All Topics / Help Needed! / I need some help to learn about Real Estate Invest

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  • Profile photo of timothy_us8timothy_us8
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10

    I am looking for some help and guidance to learn about Real Estate Investment something that will walk me step by step through investing in Real Estate properties. I have read a few on the matter but they are not what I am looking for. I am specifically looking for a tutorial that will tell me my options on obtaining a down payment or even if I should put money down at all.

    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by timothy_us8:

    I am looking for some help and guidance to learn about Real Estate Investment something that will walk me step by step through investing in Real Estate properties. I have read a few on the matter but they are not what I am looking for. I am specifically looking for a tutorial that will tell me my options on obtaining a down payment or even if I should put money down at all.

    I assume you have read a few books and this may only confuse you more because some will say positively gear and others will say buy high growth properties. Some will say don’t borrow much and others will suggest that you should make work your money hard.

    I guess this shows that their is more than one way of investing in property.

    What suits you will depend upon how much money you have, how experienced you are, your mindset, your risk tolerence and where you live or where you want to invest.

    And this is likley to be very differnt to what will suit your situation and your changed circumstances in 2 or 3 or 5 years time.

    So don’t look for the “ideal way” and a step by step guide.

    Learn by eductating yourself. Read more, ask more questions of the members of this forum. Attend some seminars and then take action.

    One caveat – if you are going to listen to people and take their advice, make sure that they have succeeeded in what you wnat to achieve. This artcile may give you some ideas about who to listen to…

    Michael Yardney
    Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of AmandaBS

    Hi Timothy,

    Welcome to the world of property investing.

    Michael has some very sound advice for you there, and as you gain more knowledge and experience your confidence will grow. There is no Get-Rich-Pill you can take, but you will need a strong desire to succeed. To be successful in property you really do need a good system in place, so my advice would be to follow our 7 step process.

    Step 1 Set your financial goals
    Step 2 Prepare a budget
    Step 3 Set an investment strategy
    Step 4 Build your team
    Step 5 Start researching
    Step 5 Prepare a Feasibility study
    Step 6 Negotiate the deal and repeat!

    Best wishes,

    FREE online Property Resources

    “It is better to be inconspicuously wealthy, than to be ostentatiously poor…”

    Profile photo of AmandaBS

    Hi Timothy,

    Welcome to the world of property investing.

    Michael has some very sound advice for you there, and as you gain more knowledge and experience your confidence will grow. There is no Get-Rich-Pill you can take, but you will need a strong desire to succeed. To be successful in property you really do need a good system in place, so my advice would be to follow our 7 step process.

    Step 1 Set your financial goals
    Step 2 Prepare a budget
    Step 3 Set an investment strategy
    Step 4 Build your team
    Step 5 Start researching
    Step 6 Prepare a Feasibility study
    Step 7 Negotiate the deal and repeat!

    Best wishes,

    FREE online Property Resources

    “It is better to be inconspicuously wealthy, than to be ostentatiously poor…”

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