All Topics / Site Problems / Feedback / Site speed…Can anything be done?

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  • Profile photo of ArtaudArtaud
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 97


    I’ve found that this site is often painfully slow when it comes to loading pages. I have a fast connection and will often wait over 30 seconds for a page to load, sometimes longer still. I have noticed that this happens even when there aren’t that many other people viewing (I’ve had slow loading problems when there have been as few as 50 people online).

    I started a thread to canvas other members and it seems that I am not alone. Here’s the link to the thread:

    I love this site and really enjoy contributing but gee, sometimes it’s pretty trying when you have to wait ages for a page to load.

    Incidentally, I live in Sydney and have no problems with any other sites. Even other forum sites load fast.


    ‘Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.’ – Albert Einstein

    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488

    Yes, it is painfully slow in all changes of pages.


    “we get sent lemons; it’s up to us to make lemonade”

    Profile photo of ShOw_Me_ThE_MoNeYShOw_Me_ThE_MoNeY
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 80

    I experience the same, using an ADSL Connection despite of setting my page preferences to ” Not to Load Automatically”. Would be good if the site admin tweaks the server or perhaps get a powerfull server realising the amount of Data (posts) we have now and the number of simultenous member logins.

    Profile photo of AbbyAbby
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 42

    I remember reading a “sorry” note from Steve re this problem, quite some time ago. As nothing appears to have changed, I went looking for it recently to see how long ago that note was written, but can’t seem to find it anymore.

    I used to visit this site daily, but after it changed to this new set-up I became increasingly frustrated at the amount of time spent waiting for pages to load….in the end I just lost interest and left.

    From the current monikers it appears that many others who once regularly made comment here have also disappeared. I now return only occasionally to see if the problem has been addressed…..yawn…

    Profile photo of Misty1Misty1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 348

    Yes……painfully slow! I just discovered this post while trying to work out WHY?? Can't something be done to fix this??

    I find the "new" emoticons exceptionally painful to wait for to load, and as a result dont want to use them any more either.

    Any comments from Steve???

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