All Topics / Help Needed! / KIYOSAKI BOARD GAMES
I was looking around on the rich dad site and see Robert Kiyosakis cashflow 101 & 202 can now be bought for $325 the pair.
I expect there are plenty of people on this site who have these games at home and wondered what you thought .
Are they worthwhile ? Just looking to try and teach my kids more about money . School dosn’t teach them much fiscal literacy .
I see second hand ones for sale over at e bay . Never bought any thing there though .
What do you think ?
I’ve got 101 – it’s great, but hard to find anyone willing to play it. Tells you something about 90% of society, doesn’t it?
There is a kids game as well, I haven’t seen it, but if your kids are old enough to use a computer and a cell phone, they are old enough to use 101 I reckon.
Me and a mate went halves in the game. Maybe you can do that with a like-minded buddy.
You’re dead right about school – it’s a disgrace. Trouble is, most of the teachers are ‘upside down’ with their finances as it is, so what can they teach the kids?
The USA is no better; everyone has got 6 maxed out c/c’s and no savings or investments. Their cars look good though.Cheers,
Marc.“we get sent lemons; it’s up to us to make lemonade”
I also have 101. I think its great, but my family will no longer play with me. As I always win they accuse me of cheating. Can’t find any one willing to play.
The thing to remember about the average teacher is that they have never left school. School to university (another word for partying) and then back to school. Many never worked with the public, have ridiculously long holidays (and tell you how they have to work all holidays making up plans for next term/year -right!), they work from about 9 – 3.30, and get “free periods”. Then these people work their way up the ladder and run the system. How would they know what your kid needs to learn to run a business or invest in property?
Disclaimer: there is probably some not in this category, but I did say average!
Good on you for taking a hand in teaching your kids some life skills, not just university entrance subjects.
Before Xmas I was browsing around in a second hand shop and found two old board games for $10 each . One is called Solar quest and is basically monopoly with planets and rockets etc……………..We played it a few times but Kids got bored with it .
The other one is called Rat Race and is quite a good game although very out dated . I think it was produced in the 1970’s….
My lot are 12 10 and 7 . I reckon my 7 year old knows more about money than what i did when i left school in 1983 !!
I have 101 and the kids one. Hven’t played them much because of the time it takes, and lack of willing partners. They are pretty expensive games and are very americanised.
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Originally posted by Terryw:I have 101 and the kids one. Hven’t played them much because of the time it takes, and lack of willing partners. They are pretty expensive games and are very americanised.
Discover Home Loans
Send an email to get my newsletter.Funny about that Terry since they were created by Americans [biggrin]
I have 101 and the kids one, I love playing them and used to make it a regular Friday night thing at our house with a group of like minded friends, it was great fun and went on for years.
Now we are all just too busy to have fun! Good things just don’t seem to last [biggrin]
Investment Property Management they create an interactive computer game version that allows players to interact over the internet via a games server with other players like freelancer then I would buy a game.
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CF101 used to be THE hot game and was a best seller for a long time.
These days, it seems to have lost it’s appeal despite it still being a great game to play and invaluable learning tool.
My guess is this has happened as part of the normal cycle of any game but also because of the very reasons we see in the posts here –
1) getting harder to find like minded people to play it with
2) people “too busy” to find the time to play a game – which is odd because when CF101 was “hot”, there was enough time to not only play the game but organise CF game days!Today the HOT game that has everyone buzzing is a game of poker using a contrived set of rules (ala TV poker) which teaches the virtues of gambling as opposed to the rewards of investing.
Such is life!
So….. If you have some like-minded- friends, the type who actually have time to learn about investing and want to “better them self”, then CF would be a great investment.
If you don’t, then it’s still worth considering but playing it by yourself aint half as much fun. [blush2]
PS Despite it being a great game, we dont stock it at present. This is purely based on economic principles as it has been a slow mover of recent times – still sells, but not a lot. Might come back into vogue again soon.
John Blackburn can buy its electronic version, called e-game 101. And play with yourself, or with other 2, 3 players, on a computer. The pace is much much quicker. To me it’s fun. I play it with ‘one-player option’, at least once a week. And still enjoy it.
If you are a member of ‘insider’, they say, you could also play with other parties, at any place on-line. But I haven’t tried it just yet.
hope this helps.
learn&shareI have 101 & 102 software version, and I think they are both excellent. I dont have much time myself, but I make the time to use it. Its amazing how much the game reminds you of real life transactions! It not only teaches you but ensures you are always thinking outside of the square. The computer is fun as well. The games are expensive and I would suggest checking sites like ebay for these games.
Cheers MatKA010 | Raw Profits Pty Ltd
Phone MeWe’ve got 101 and 202. We paid about $300 for both when we attended a seminar about 8 yrs ago. I think it’s O.K although I couldn’t imagine sitting around with friends playing and after playing with husband once he finds it too boring. My kids love to muck around with the 2 games Age 5 & 8. I think by the time they get a bit older it will be very dated and not make as much sense. Have you tried looking in the newspapers if your a bit concerned about ebay for second hand ones – or try a WANTED ad? I’m sure there’s plenty around not being used.
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