All Topics / Help Needed! / Looking for property sales data

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  • Profile photo of adrian078

    Hi there,

    Can anyone help me find where you can get median sales prices and rental info for NSW for the past 10 years. I want to be able to sort and filter this info in excel to isolate possible investment areas.

    All this info is available at:

    The problem is that it is in pdf format. When you download it you can only download one quarter at a time from any given year. I could download 40 odd pdf’s to get the info and then collate it but this would take a great deal of time.

    I have already looked into quick a few services offering property data but it seems they only sell indivdual post codes at between $40-$89 per postcode. Could get expensive!!

    If anybody knows if this info is out there to buy I’m sure it would help a lot of other people as well as myself out. If not, it looks like I might just have to spend those hours doing it myself.

    Thanks all for any info you can part with.

    Profile photo of v8ghiav8ghia
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 871

    Hi, and welcome to the forum. Check out this months issue of Australian Property Investor magazine and you find what you are after I think. All the best (They include the 10 year figures)[strum]
    As a sidepoint, for anyone interested in detailed price history for the NSW south coast/Illawarra area, you can get everything on . Full sale price and history by street address – all at no cost! Would be great if they had this for other regions. Unless they do???

    Profile photo of adrian078

    Thanks for that. Haven’t got API this month yet. Might rush out and get it tonight.

    That site looks great! It would be good if it was for all states and areas! Would make life very easy. I’m making a few other enquiries into getting hold of this data, otherwise might be collating it the hard way. Will let you know the results.

    Incidentally, it would be good to hear from others on the methods used to narrow down target suburbs/towns for investing. Do you use a combination of location, populations, history of capital growth?

    Would be interesting to hear the different opinions.

    Profile photo of JimmyJJimmyJ
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 49

    Hi Adrian078,

    Did you have any luck locating this data?

    I too am interested to get this data into excel to allow myself to filter/query the data.

    For simple queries, you can use:

    This website allows you to search by yield, median price growth, etc.  Still not as powerful as having the data in excel.

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