All Topics / Help Needed! / Which Books can you recommend??
Im wondering which real estate investing books you all can recommend?
Especially for a beginner (dont have any properties).
Im keen to buy one of Steve’s books but he’s got soo many out now its hard to see which one would be best.
Let me know please.
0 to 260+ in 7 years is a great book.
I do believe that your psychology is as important as any technique that can be learned so I therefore recommend any books of Wayne Dyer.
But for me the most influencing books were; “Think and Grow Rich” and “Acres of Diamonds”
Hope this helps! [specool]
Reading is a great way of learning. Although I have also been to seminars in the past I feel that reading has been one of the greatest ways to learn as you can go over bits as many times as you want.
Now, do read one of Steve’s but also read some other authors as well as there are many different styles out there and you need to read a few to find out what investment style suits you best.
My suggestions would be:
a) From 0 to 130 properties in 3.5 years (Steve McKnight) although his second book was good too and I haven’t yet read the latest.
b) How to Create an Income for Life (Margaret Lomas)
c) Building Wealth through Investment Property “or” More Wealth From Resdiential Property (Jan Somers)I probably found Jan Somers books the most balanced as in it gave examples of negative and postive geared properties and the outcomes etc. For us Margaret Lomas’ way is actually the easiest to follow while Steve’s would be my ideal. Basically after reading lots we picked the path of least resistance (I think that’s one of Steve’s lines) and for us that meant going the Margaret Lomas way most of the time, although we did manage to do one Steve’s way.
What I’m trying to say though is read more than one book, read several. Don’t get bogged so down that it all becomes confusing and you don’t know what way is right, because they are all right for somebody, just look for the way that will work for you.
Best Wishes
Books to read:
Margaret Lomas, Jan Somers, Neil Whittaker, Steve McKnight, Property Investor Magazine, Dolf de Roos, Monique Wakelin, Neil Jenman, Terry Ryder, Robert Kiyosaki, Peter Spann, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill,
“Millionaire Next Door” by Stanley and Danko, “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George Clason.Hi Matt,
There are many books I would recommend – including most of the ones already mentioned – but it’s a bit hard unless we know a bit more about what you already know, what you hope to do etc.
If you want to drop me a line, more than happy to discuss this further with you. [biggrin]
John Blackburn Burley’s – 7 money secrets of the wealthy (something like that anyway) was my big catalyst book that got me taking action. Highly recommend it.
Hi there,
I to agree, reading and researching is the most valuable tool you can learn to ensure you are on your way to investing correctly!!
I’m not big on reading (mind you I still read the paper Fin Review everyday) so what I do is listen to audiobooks on my iPod. Its absolutely fantastic as you can listen to them while driving, catching public transport or even while cooking dinner. There are so many audibooks out there these days. Im not sure what level you are at in your investing however I would highly recommend listening to the entire Rich Dad Poor Dad audiobooks and check itunes they have some great audios, and so many of them are free listening!
Goodluck Investing!
Cheers Mat
KA010 | Raw Profits Pty Ltd
Phone MeHi Mattlach,
To be successful in property you really do need a good system in place and reading forms part of Step 3 in determining your investment strategy.
Step 1 Set your financial goals
Step 2 Prepare a Budget
Step 3 Determine an investment strategy
Step 4 Build your team
Step 5 Research
Step 6 Prepare a Feasibility Study
Step 7 Negotiate the deal and repeat!!Don’t limit yourself with reading as learning is a lifelong process.
I’d suggest though that you start by reading from both “camps”. The cash flow + and capital growth (negative gearing) so you gain a thorough understanding of how property works before you jump in and buy anything. Any good bookstore such as Dymocks or Borders usually stock a good selection.AmandaBS
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The best book i’ve read on PI is Peter Spann’s.
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Best book I ever read was Jan Somers “White” book .
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