All Topics / Help Needed! / New to market, should a buyers agent be used?

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  • Profile photo of KA010

    Hi there,

    Im new to the property market and am in the first stage of purchasing a house. I have read just about every book S McKnight has written and absolutely loved them! While surfing the net I came across the possibility of a buyers agent………..

    My question is should I intend on investing in a buyers agent?? I personally feel confident when it comes to asking the nitty gritty questions when it comes to purchasing a house. My only concern is I dont have the first hand experience, something of which Im sure will come in time with the purchase of further Properties!

    Should I use an agent for the first couple of buys?
    Should I use an agent long term?
    How much do buyers agents charge in Brisbane, QLD?

    Cheers Mat

    KA010 | Raw Profits Pty Ltd
    Phone Me

    Profile photo of manofactionmanofaction
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    Hi Mat,

    Good that you have the courage to ask the question in the first place.

    You see, many people make the basic mistake of thinking they are experts at everything simply because they can do somethings really well. It’s called false confidence… or sometimes “ego”.

    The dilema you face is that you might have the foundations of being a master negotiator within you but either don’t know it yet or havent developed the skill.

    Therefore, the property market might not be the best place to find out as mistakes can be costly ( but not necessarily catastrophic).

    Remember, most of the people you will be negotiating with, the real estate agents, are seasoned professionals and can pick a green stick a mile away.

    Having said that, it usually doesn’t take too much to effort to get the “average” agent working for you and actually helping you!

    Anyway, by my way of thinking is there is absolutely nothing wrong with using a buyer’s advocate / agent and I know many property experts who use them for ALL their purchases because they know the agent is far better at the “negotiation” process than they are – so it is cost effective for them to pay somebody to do that task.

    So don’t get too hung up about using them or not… whatever you decide, you are not locked in for ever so you might use them initially and then later give it a shot yourself. Then in the future you might use them sometimes and not others.

    Just remember that if you do use one, then it MUST be cost effective – meaning they must more than pay for themself.

    My feeling is we are going to see more people using them over time and in about 10 – 15 years it might even be a case of asking why you DONT use one!

    All of this is something Napoleon Hill touched on in his book “Think and Grow Rich”… surrounding yourself with experts / master mind team and stick to what you do best.

    As for what a good one will cost you…. change the thinking to what will a good one SAVE you.

    Their fee might be, say 1%, but if they can get the property 10% cheaper than you can and with better T&Cs than you could ever imagine… plus save you hours of time… then that sounds like a dam good deal!


    John Blackburn

    Profile photo of bridgebuff

    And how do you find good buyer;s agents?

    Profile photo of KA010

    Hi John,

    Thanks so much for that piece of advice, it is something I will most definetly take on board. I think until I manage to build my portfolio to a stage where by I dont have the time I will look into using a buyers agent.

    My only problem now is finding positive cashflow property. Ive been looking for a month and it seems like there far and few between, but you no what Im determined and I actually enjoy the challenge!

    Thanks again

    P.S- To the other chap looking for a buyers agent, this web site might get you started. I have not used them and dont know of the reputation

    Cheers Mat

    KA010 | Raw Profits Pty Ltd
    Phone Me

    Profile photo of bridgebuff

    Remember Mat,

    Positive Cashflow is not bought, but made.

    There are a few examples on this forum, I am looking as well and am getting closer to one.

    Good Luck

    Profile photo of ginabginab
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    I’ve been using a buyer’s advocate called Peter Rogozik Property Consulting, He usually charges up to 2% of the purchase price, but is negotiable. We agreed on a set fee, as I am researching my own properties and don’t need him to do it for me. His fee covers property report, builders inspection, negotiation with vendors, auction attendance etc. In fact the only thing he doesn’t do is pest inspections (but he can arrange it for you). Peter is passionate about property, and loves his job. He’s a landlord, property developer and renovator in his own right, so he walks his talk. He is also totally independant, with no affilitation with real estate agencies or finance companies.
    How do I know this paragon? He’s been my landlord for over two years [biggrin]

    Profile photo of propertypowerpropertypower
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 312

    Hi Mat,
    You can try using They are buyers agency that will spot a cash flow positive property and negotiate it on your behalf.

    Warm regards,

    Profile photo of IPSpiritIPSpirit
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 84

    or you can go to and click on “Find Buyer’s agent”

    Profile photo of KA010

    Hi guys,

    Are there any people out there that can give exact examples on where a buyers agent has found you positive cash flow property or potential positive cash flow property and if so what % were you positive/infront.

    Cheers Mat

    KA010 | Raw Profits Pty Ltd
    Phone Me

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