All Topics / Help Needed! / Property investing group in Melbourne?
Hey all can anyone recommend a property investing group in Melbourne that has regular meetings where you can bounce questions off one another rather than just through a forum like this one? (not saying this site is bad, its fantastic!!)
Because I have the view of starting a syndicate in Melbourne, and with my situation i think it might be the best move at present.
I do not own an IP as yet but my goal is to buy my first IP in the next 2 years hopefully in Melbourne once the market has cooled off.
So Heres a short rundown of me: Im at uni for the next 4.5 years, Im 19y/o and I currently earn about $17K per annum but I have very minimal lifestyle expenses as Im still with the parentals (luv them to death). So im looking for a partner or many to start my journey, so joining a PI group is my first goal at present.
So if anyone knows any good PI groups in Melb, or is interested in a time rich, money poor partner, holla back or just pm me, id luv to hear from u! Any help greatly appreciated [biggrin]
if you are a women see post in general forum date Posted 22/11/2006 December meeting – Women Investing in property.
or see general forum post on Posted 15/11/2006, Next Investor Meeting Nov 26 ALL WELCOME. posted by troynbecHope this is some help
or maybe http://www.richmastery.comComments may not be relevant to individual circumstances. If you intend making any investment, financial or taxation decision you should consult a professional adviser.
Originally posted by Sweet:I do not own an IP as yet but my goal is to buy my first IP in the next 2 years hopefully in Melbourne once the market has cooled off.
Any help greatly appreciated [biggrin]
It’s a great idea to get together with likeminded people, but don’t wait for the market to cool down – you could be waiting 10 years.
The Melbourne market has been flat since late 2003 when the first of the interest rate rises occured. It has been through its slump stage and is now in its stabilsation stage and the more affleunt suburbs are already in the early upturn stage of the property cycle with pirces rising – up to 20% in some suburns last year.
With very low vacancy rates, a shortage of rental properties and few new ones in the pipe line as well as increasing rents – many of the fundementals are there for the Melbourne property market to continue to increase.
I know that not everyone agrees with this view, but I am basing it on our research at Metropole plus my own experience investing successfully for over 30 years.
Check out this article for my thoughts on where we are in our property cycles. It hase been frequently been quoted in the press…
As a beginning investor spend the time to eductae yourself – read books go to seminars and learn form people who have successfully achieved what you want to achieve
Michael Yardney
Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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There are a few informal groups that have started up from those attending my seminars. Check out the ‘Heads Up’ forum board and see if there are any group meetings near your area.
Happy New Year,
– Steve
Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO
https://www.propertyinvesting.comSuccess comes from doing things differently
Thanks Steve and Mike … Hopefully i will get lucky and find a meeting nearby
Hi Sweet,
Gary Seeto (author) started a new “Young @ Hearts Community” late last year and they have a Melbourne group that meets. The area Moderator is David Aitken who can be contacted via or check out the website at
Best wishes,
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