All Topics / Help Needed! / Help build my “Team” for brisbane area

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  • Profile photo of ruroshin


    I’m going to start my property investing quest early next year so I will need to have my trusty team in place. [smiling]

    My girlfriend is already an accountant so I will need a good solicitor and finance broker that knows about property investing. I might need a building inspector too. Anybody in the Brisbane area that can give me good recommendations?

    I noticed a member here Qlds007 is a finance broker in QLD, are you located in Brisbane?

    Another area that I will need help in is setting up a Trust to buy all my properties under. Will my solicitor be able to set this up or do I need someone else for this task?

    I also got a call from ARPP yesterday and they’ll contact me again after the new years to arrange a free consultation. Anybody here have any dealing with them before?

    I asked a lot of question for my first post but I hope you can all help and hopefully I’ll be on my way to financial freedom starting next year [biggrin]

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    Hopefully we can assist you.

    On a personal note Yes I am based in Chapel Hill Brisbane but have clients all over the City.

    Email me and I will be happy to get together with you to discuss your requirements. Will be out of action from Boxing day to NY day but feel to email over the next couple of days and we can start the ball rolling.

    On the legal front contact Leonnie at CSM. I have personally used her for over 12 years for all of my deals (and there has been enough of those) and also my clients. She can be contacted on 3807 2233 but might be away until around the 8th Jan. Tell her i referred you. You wont find anyone with better value service.

    Let me know what sort of Trust you need and i can assist you with that. (Your G/f should be able to advice whether you need a Hybrid / Disc Trust).

    With regards to investment planner you need to understand that they will only refer you to property where they receive a commission on. We can discuss this also.


    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker.
    Licensed Financial Planner. Ph: 07 3720 1888
    Looking for life cover – We Guarantee to beat any quote you have in writing.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of islandgirlislandgirl
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 55

    Richard’s been a great help to me. Would definately recomend him to help put your team together

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    Thanks IG.

    Cheques in the mail.

    Wishing you both a merry xmas.


    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker.
    Licensed Financial Planner. Ph: 07 3720 1888
    Looking for life cover – We Guarantee to beat any quote you have in writing.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of ruroshin

    Will be sending you an email Richard, looking forward to getting things going.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616
    Originally posted by ruroshin:


    I’m going to start my property investing quest early next year so I will need to have my trusty team in place. [smiling]

    I also got a call from ARPP yesterday and they’ll contact me again after the new years to arrange a free consultation. Anybody here have any dealing with them before?

    When you get offers from people who are going to help you for “free” you have to ask yourself – “who is paying them and who do they represent?”

    In this case it’s the developers who are paying this company to sell their stock – so they represent the developer and want to get their regular customer the best price for their property so that they can get more business in the furure from them.

    There is nothing wrong with that -everyone needs to make a living, but as a beginning investor, I though it was iimportant for you to know who’s on your side.

    Now Richard who has already replied to you is a great finance broker and even though he is paid by the banks, is on you side because he has access to a range of lenders and his commision doesn’t come out of your pocket – it costs you no more to go to a good broker than dierctly to the banks.

    Another team member you good consider is an investment savvy buyers agent.

    You will find a few threads on this forum about the pro’s and con’s of using a buyers agent, but I believe beginning investors get great benefit by having an agent on their side and not represetning the seller.

    But I am biased as I have an interest in Brisbane’s leading Buyers Agency Metropole Buyers Agency

    To help you better understand the benfits of using a buyer’s agent, please have a look at this article…—how-buyer%26%2339%3Bs-agents-work

    Michael Yardney
    Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 17,000 readers.
    FREE subscription

    Profile photo of bridgebuffbridgebuff
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 189

    My accountant had my ‘family’ trust set up, but he did use a solicitor. I wanted his opinion for the best structure first and was happy to pay him to liase with the solicitor rather than trying to communicate what should be included and making a hash of it.

    Profile photo of ruroshin
    Originally posted by MichaelYardney:
    When you get offers from people who are going to help you for “free” you have to ask yourself – “who is paying them and who do they represent?”

    Thanks for the advice Michael. I guess I don’t mind if they have other motivation as long as their service benefits me. I’ll definitely won’t rush into anything they suggest though and will do my DD.

    I will look into the link you provided Michael as I was considering a Buyer’s Agent when starting out.

    Profile photo of myabodemyabode
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 10

    Hi There,

    Il be upfront and say i own a small indapendant realestate office in Springfield Lakes QLD, i had worked for the devoloper for 5 years and have just started out on my own, My business is 80% investors I am sick and tyired of seeing so many investors being rippid off by marketing companies…

    Of course i have to make money to, But its a flat fee for the builders of $5000 instead of the usuall $12-15K

    If there is anyinformation i can offer please drop me a line.


    And have a safe xmass….

    Profile photo of AmandaBSAmandaBS
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 549

    Hi Ruroshin,

    I must admit I’m not a big fan of such investment firms such as ARPP, fine if your a “Speculator” but for serious property investors you need your own system to suceed in this game. Don’t gamble and trust someone else who’s pocket will be lined by your hard earned dollar. $$$.

    On a brighter note though, Richard Taylor also gets my tick of approval.[thumbsupanim]

    For a building inspector contact “Australian Building Inspection Services” They can do both a building and termite inspection.

    FREE online Property Resources

    “It is better to be inconspicuously wealthy, than to be ostentatiously poor…”

    Profile photo of romina and lucaromina and luca
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 33
    Originally posted by ruroshin:


    I’m going to start my property investing quest early next year so I will need to have my trusty team in place. [smiling]

    I work for solicitors.. I can try and get you good rates? they are well known.. so I am not sure how cheap they’d be!

    Romina and Luca (and bubba Nicolas)

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