All Topics / General Property / Mortgage Watchdog

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  • Profile photo of condog

    What have peoples experiences been with Mortgage Watchdog or similar programs and or services that do it for you.

    Also how many have been scammed by the money back garauntee. ie you found like an error for $2 so were ineligable for the money back garauntee.

    Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    I bought the CD from the Reno Kings website. I have entered some figures and found some errors, both ways. I haven’t yet contacted my bank as I have several loans more to run through the checker and I want to double check my figures before I start demanding some money back.

    I also, don’t really know about the errors in my favour. Do I ‘fess up to those as well?


    Profile photo of condog

    Surely youd be entitled to part compensation for the time to check it and the cost of the program. Id add it in and ask them. The worst they can do is say no.

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