All Topics / Value Adding / Build envelope

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  • Profile photo of fernfurn

    Could anyone tell me as a rule of thumb what percentage you can build on a block. Is it 60% build 40% free land? I know each Council will be different and I wont hold you to it but until I can ring on Monday I just need a consesus of opnion. I have just found a nice piece of land inner city and designed up a great house and am obsessed with finding out if it will fit or not


    Profile photo of L.A AussieL.A Aussie
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1,488

    The local council should have a plan of the land with the relevent envelopes and setbacks for it. they may be able to email it to you as well.
    Probably better to get that sorted out before getting too far down the track with the dream home design.


    Profile photo of Don NicolussiDon Nicolussi
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,086

    Where I am right now it is 40% site coverage but as you say every council is very very different. Give the planners a call – they may be very pleased to get a call before you send in the plan. Site coverage will be the tip of the iceberg – i know from previous post you have done some builds and will be used to the red tape. good luck – wish we could post photos her on this site would be good to see some of the members private projects.

    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
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    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of fernfurn

    Just lost my whole post. Here goes again.
    There have been some problems with this piece of land and Im seriously hoping it will go again after Xmas. 60/40% was right but the 40% cant include “front” of block or sideways and must be in one piece ideally 10mts x 4mts for outdoor living. The 40% includes the whole land, including the original house. Don’t know what this means in terms of my area and because of their problems I havent gone any further with any redesigning. The good news was I can build right to boundaries on either side, the bad news there is an easement right down the side, the good news, there was nothing in it and I can build over it, the bad news, no kitchens/bathrooms i.e. plumbing. I’ll keep you all informed


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