All Topics / Heads Up! / Canterbury Property Services QLD
Has anybody heard of this company and/or had any dealings with them or Weatherford Financial. We’ve come across them on the Internet but can’t find any background. Any information would be appreciated.
Search this forum, theres some information here that may assist..
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Could anyone help with information on Cathedral Property Services, has anyone heard of them please?Hello Everyone,
I too am searching for any info on or people who have invested with Canterbury Property Services, a business located in Brisbane. I have searched the forums on this website and can see that there are some comments on this group, but I can't click on them, it says that you are not authorised to access this page…Can anyone help? How come access is denied on these comments?
I even called the office number of this website today, but they didn't know why other than the comments have been removed???Sounds like another Prolperty Spruiker to me.
It is called 2 tiered marketing and unfortunately Brisbane is full of it at the moment.
Just received a valuation back for a client who is using a similar firm and the difference between the valuation and the purchase price is considerable.
Why not do your own home work and pay retail price or below.
Trust me there is no magic formula.
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