All Topics / Help Needed! / Breaking Through

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  • Profile photo of new-to-investingnew-to-investing
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 5

    Hi All [exhappy]

    I’ve just joined the forums and am making my first post. Wanted to say hello to everyone here and thank each and every one of you for the contributions you have made to the forum so far. I’ve been reading a few threads over the last couple of weeks and gained some knowledge along the way.

    I’m currently living on the Northern Beaches of Sydney and am desperate to purchase my first IP. I’ve got very limited deposit so therefore feel I’ve got a bit of a wait till I can actually go to the bank but in the meantime I’m reading as much as possible (currently reading Steve’s second book – anticipating the third) and trying to gain knowledge.

    I have noticed there is a group in Sydney called S3G and was wondering where and when you will be meeting next? I don’t have any experience in investing so may not be able to add much to the discussions but I feel the best way forward is to sorround myself with like minded individuals and hopefully some of what you’ve got will rub off on me [biggrin]

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I look forward to contributing to the forums.


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