All Topics / Help Needed! / Commercial investment property guide …

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  • Profile photo of bennido

    I’m considering trying my hand out at commercial investment properties.

    Can anyone here offer some advice on some website, books, research material, etc that can give me a good head start ?

    Mich appreciated ! Thanks !

    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616

    The rules for commercial real estate investment are very diffeernt to those for residential investment.

    Commercial properties are yield driven and yileds also drive their values.

    This article may explain some of the differences:—Which-is-right-for-you%3F

    There is also a good book by Chris Lang call “How Commercial Proprety Works”

    Michael Yardney
    Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 17,000 readers.
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    Profile photo of DraconisVDraconisV
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 319

    Thanks Mike that article from your website(i think) helped me out heaps, more than any other resource relating to the differences between residential and commercial real estate investing.

    Thank you,
    Christopher Fife.

    Profile photo of bennido
    Originally posted by MichaelYardney:

    The rules for commercial real estate investment are very diffeernt to those for residential investment.

    Commercial properties are yield driven and yileds also drive their values.

    This article may explain some of the differences:—Which-is-right-for-you%3F

    There is also a good book by Chris Lang call “How Commercial Proprety Works”

    Michael Yardney
    Publisher of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 17,000 readers.
    FREE subscription

    Thanks Michael, great article. [specool]

    And I’ll look out for that book too. Went down to Borders today and they had tons of book on residential property. But NONE on commercial property. [grrr]

    Profile photo of ogilvy

    Resi sucks…….commercial all the way.

    Profile photo of bennido
    Originally posted by ogilvy:

    Resi sucks…….commercial all the way.

    hi ogilvy .. do you want to share what are the main points that cause you to favour commercial so strongly over residential ? .. thanks ! [blink]

    Profile photo of ogilvy

    No. I dont want you to steal all the commerical properties before I get to buy them all. [strum]

    Profile photo of MortgagemanMortgageman
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 164

    I can second Michael’s recommendation for Chris Lang’s book. Chris also has a free e-book you can download off his website at This will give you a good grounding on how commercial property works. There are a lot more variables to consider than residential property.

    Kind Regards,

    Cameron Perry
    Perry Financial Strategies
    Level 13, 30 Collins St
    Melbourne VIC 3000
    Ph (03) 9662 1999
    Fax (03) 9662 2044

    Profile photo of bennido
    Originally posted by ogilvy:

    No. I dont want you to steal all the commerical properties before I get to buy them all. [strum]

    LOL ! .. Don’t worry, I seriously doubt if I’ll come close to stealing any from you .. :D

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