All Topics / Help Needed! / HELP NEEDED!!

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  • Profile photo of hotpropertyinvestorhotpropertyinvestor
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 19

    we need help with our tenants, they are renting our fully funished unit, and thought it would be a good idea to wash the suede lounge seat covers in the washing machine, as these were only ment to be dry cleaned, they ended up damaged. The tenant said they were damaged by the washing machine as it had a chip in the bowl which is why they ripped and have burn stains. This washine machine was shared but another unit and their tenants never complained about the washine machine ripping anything. But we thought to be nice owners we would replace the washine machine with a new one, which we did, now the tenant refuses to pay to replace the covers they damages and have send a letter to the QLD tenants board, claiming they didn’t damage the covers the washing machine did, But they put the covers in the machine!!! They also what us to pay for a top they said was damaged by the washing machine. What can we do??????[confused2]

    Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    I would be inclined to tell them you will call it even, your damaged covers for their damaged shirt. Claim what you can on the covers either under insurance or write the couch off on your tax return – and then give them an old sheet to cover the couch with.



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