All Topics / Help Needed! / WANTED: 2nd Hand WEALTH GUARDIAN & INVESTMENT DETE

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  • Profile photo of paul4471

    Do you have a copy of Wealth Guardian (latest) and/or Investment Detective (V1.20) that you want to sell secondhand. I’d like to get them but can’t afford to buy them new so PM me with a price if you have one you no longer want. Obviously prefer the new versions thanks.

    Profile photo of Luke Taylor

    Hye paul,
    I have those (not sure if latest version though?)

    How much do u want to pay?
    Remember these are limited editions mate ! ha ha

    Are u in sydney? I could loan them to u if you are strapped for cash maybe

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
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    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

    Profile photo of ogilvyogilvy
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 32

    I am also in the market for some 2nd hand copies. (cash strapped at the moment). Please PM me ![withstupid]

    Profile photo of Luke Taylor

    Lets have an online auction hey?!!

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
    Email Me

    Property Support,Strategist and Buyers Agent

    Profile photo of paul4471

    Anyone actually have copies they want to sell please PM me – Worldchanger actually doesn’t want to sell his[confused2]

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