All Topics / Creative Investing / Passive income apart from property?
G’day there are lots of passive income investment’s
Listed and unlisted property trusts, Stocks, Bonds etc.
[withstupid]Hi Dom,
Tysonboss1 is right there is loads of strategies out there that can create a passive income for you. What you need to do is find the one that works for you. I personally enjoy being creative, so what i find success in is property investing and running an internet business. My brother enjoys the numbers so he finds himself playing with many of the different strategies involved in the stockmarket, or eg. renting shares( put options), and emini’s. I also know people that have created substantial passive incomes from mult level marketing (mlm) as they enjoy the interaction with others.
Its really up to the individual, if your really keen my suggestion is also watch the DVD “The Secret” it has some fantastic ideas on how to obtain your goals.
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Hello investors,
I have recently tried my hand in the sharemarket and have had some success. Very interesting times in the share market. The aussiestock forums are very informative and they mention property a fair bit to..
Yes. Uranium very lucrative at the moment.
The likes of WMT, BLR, WME, PEN all uranium juniors below 30cents about to rocketWell what can ya say to that? many inovative ways, some even leading to a free paid holiday, mind you the room with ensuite and all would be a little cramped and unhomely, and I am not sure the wages are that crash hot either maybe a dollar a day or something.
By the looks of the market i will be buying more property in melbourne. It mayby hype or media attention or just population growth but i see the pattern emerging before the brisbane boom where property in the inner city in melbourne was more expensive than everyone else and they had to catch up. IMO This is where i will get some more passive income in time.
buy installment warrants of shares that are going ex-div., collect the dividend and then sell, moving onto the next trade.
Has worked extremely well in my super fund, better than any rental income, managed fund etc.Regina
Why would not write a covered call against the installment warrant to maximum your returns.
We do this all day long in our SMSF and works very well.
Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
yes, I've considered as a possibility, but the market has been in a strong uptrend and often there is more to be made by the rise in the warrant.
Covered calls tend to limit the upside.
Unless you have other experience, I would be interested to hear.Colin Gowan wrote:OK folks I am looking for an extra income stream. Anyone who has one that actually works please let me know about it. No doubt I will be inundated and will have to sift through many. In about a month I will get back with the ones I have tried and those that actually worked. Your friend Colin, Email Mobile 0425201055 Skype Colin GowanYou mean those that you can make work?
Highly creative bunch…hahaha.
freeman cooper wrote:Hi Dom, Hows this, You learn a bit about property, buy one, write a book about it, hold seminars about how you did it, tell everyone you can find them cash flow properties but first they must pay you to join their club, offer low doc no doc 120% loans for an application fee then 6 months later tell them they were unsuccessful, If you realy want to branch out buy some shares, write a book etc When people start comming to you and asking for their money back you can just tell them that it's all their fault and to p..s off. Or maybe you should buy another propertyThats funny…great stuff
hi there,
i have heard of a good cash flow strategy, it is called "share renting" not to sure on the fine details as yet but the general concept is you buy 1000 lot shares in blue chip shares, talk to a broker who deals with them (not to many around) and people will rent your shares for a period of one month at a percentage per share eg. if your shares cost $15 per share, they may rent it off you for about 60 cents a share times your 1000 shares =$600 cash in account for that month and you do that month in month out. one catch, the person renting your shares has the right to buy the share at a per determained amount eg. $15.50 so you get the rent as well as the capital growth. and if the shares go down in value you keep the shares and rent them out again.
like i said i do not know all the details yet but it could go hand in hand with property investing to cover -geared properties.
I like shares, but mostly I like to undestand the market myself, and create my own systems. I have been eduated through a company called Hometrader which I have found an excellent, and ethical company to deal with. Their education and knowledge has been invaluable, they teach you to be independant and it really does make money. go to for more information. It's much like property, don't get emotional, just stick to your system.
kingB wrote:eg. if your shares cost $15 per share, they may rent it off you for about 60 cents a share times your 1000 shares =$600 cash in account for that month and you do that month in month out. one catch, the person renting your shares has the right to buy the share at a per determained amount eg. $15.50 so you get the rent as well as the capital growth. and if the shares go down in value you keep the shares and rent them out againcan you explain to us why someone would pay 60c to buy a $15 share off you for $15.50?
if the shares go down to say $13, and you “rent them out again” for say 12c (a more realistic amount, 60c is B.S) at a strike of $13.50, what happens when they get back to $15?
Terryw wrote:Shares and business. Terryw Discover Home Loans Parramatta Sign up to my mailing list. Just send me a blank email, with “subscribe†in subject line.Yeah, shares and business… I'd agree here on this one!
Passive income streams
income from positive cash flow properties
income from Share dividends.
Income from royalties
income from license agreements
income from tax free annuities
income from business you own but some one else manages for a salary
income generated from owning your own web sites/ domain names
income from owning a 1900 number
income from owning an SMS 19 number
there's lots of ways to generate passive income but by far the most common is to own positive cash flow propertiesMortgage Hunter wrote:Originally posted by salacious:
I would like to buy large quantaties of legal stuff and onsell for a profit. But ether way if someone new the answer to this question we would all be wealthy people. Dom [biggrin]Import stuff from China and sell it on eBay.
If you import an item or items valued at greater than a certian amount, ( > $1000 AUD) I think, then what about the duty or goods tax you would have to pay? Would that not defeat the purpose if importing an item yourself and the onselling it? How is it done?
now with the inter net its easier to set up a web site and create a direct virtual sales platform and on sell for a commissions from established network marketing companies from all over the world
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