All Topics / General Property / Increase in number of investors next year?

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  • Profile photo of mcdeyessmcdeyess
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 56

    Check this out Wizard seem to think that despite rising interest rates blue collar workers will take to property investing in what would seem to be record numbers for the demographic???,23636,20303082-37037,00.html

    Of course I could just be reading too much into this. It is really hard to make sense of the articles published about property atm. At any one day there seem to be at last two conflicting articles with some new statistic to back up their cause. But hey I am a newbie, this has probably always been the case regardless of the market


    Profile photo of TracyDTracyD
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 85

    It says that Neilson researched 6000 people to get that result?
    I hear a lot of people that say they will buy an investment property ‘next year’ but dont…..
    Anyway, Im sure the other banking institutions will jump on to these stats and start advertising them to try to convince novice investors to buy!


    Profile photo of DaviddanaeDaviddanae
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    Good point TracyD,
    I think your spot on.


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