All Topics / Forum Frolic / Opening a fish and Chips store !
Hello all
I am about to open a fish and chips place in a pretty trendy area.
Id like to hear from you lot what you like to see in a fish and chips place and what you look for when deciding where or what to buy when looking to buy take away food.Im aiming my market to the under 30’s and trying to make it look fresh and appealing. Any thoughts? Id like to get some feedback.
what would you make sure to do if you were in my place when setting up and starting out a new business.
Ive decided to stop TALKING about opening a second store and am now going to just do it ! lets throw some ideas around people
“It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”
Aspiring property developer
Giulio Taranto
First of all good luck with the new store, hope it all goes well!!
I’m not goin to try and offer any assistance with design etc because it would just suck…lol
but from a business point of view, I used to be Store Manager of a maccas store and all I can suggest is make sure that you have the systems in place for the business to be able to run successfully without you. My local Fish n Chips shop is owned by a really nice couple who have owned it for a couple of years now. Over this period you can just see them getting more and more exhausted and run down as they work in the business allday, everyday. Its really sad to see the change.
you seem to pretty smart in the fact you are workin ON the business not just IN the business and I commend you for that.
I think the biggest thing thats going to draw customers back is consistent high qaulity product and service over and over again. I certainly would become a regular client [exhappy].
could keep writing but that’s long enough….
Good Luck Mate.
Investor Finance guys!
Isnt yr dream to be a property developer passionate one?
Having one business is quite manageable and can actually become easy and boring after a while .
Just be careful as this can be a time when people make mistakes.Us humans tend to get bored after a while with our business after its ticking over succesfully , and we want to try something else.(often a different field of business altogether)
It sounds like u know what u are doing though in a fish and chip shop and have heaps of experience so thats great!I guess what i am getting at is to stick with yr dreams and what u r good at.
I made this mistake once when i had a passive property portfolio and a good business but it got boring after a while and i started taking it a little bit for granted.
Then i jumped in and started another business . All of a sudden I had to come out of semi-retirement and battle with looking after the running of another business and everything that goes along with employing people(ie.making sure people turn up,do their job,look after clients ,dont rip u off , etc etc.)
I am not trying to be negative Giulio just remimding u what its like running 2 business’s at once.
Is it a possibility u could use yr time to do some property deals that dont take as much of yr time and energy?
Just a thought to consider.
All the best
LukeWe’ve got 70 yrs on planet earth,Lets make the most of every day!
Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
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Planning on getting all the systems correct so that i can walk away and not have to worry about the shop. Not that im going to be too far as my current business is just over the rd.
WC i hear you, i know what your saying. I am currently at the council to build a unit behind my PPOR and has taken a hell of a long time to do this, all of a sudden a shop is up for lease across the rd from my current FRESH fish shop(ish and chips in the new venture) i look at this as being a sign in some way. I have always wanted to open a second store maybe just as much as one day being a property developer, but now i can be a property developer with double the cash flow in a few years if all goes well.
We all know that in the developing game we need fairly deep pockets.
“It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”
Aspiring property developer
Giulio Taranto
gday giulio,
I love fish and chips, but always need to watch my weight so cant enjoy them much, with more people being overweight i reckon you need to have good healthy options on your menu, plenty of grilled fish and low fat salads maybe, and home made thick chips go down a treat!![oink]
My brother owned a wholesale/retail outlet in Port Douglas. He had a chip machine and they used to make good money supplying other retailers and restaurants with fresh cut chips (much better than frozen ones). I think he had a guy who just operated the chip machine.
Sometimes with a business it’s surprising where the money comes from.
I knew another guy who had a chicken shop. He sold salads etc too. Where did he make most of his money? Those rice pudding/custard things. We’ve all seen them – sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Sold them in a small round container. Cost next to nothing to make. He had someone out the back stirring huge pots of rice.
The biggest turn-off for me with fish and chip shops is when the uncooked fish in the window looks a bit tired.
I’ve noticed some of them these days are boasting about how good their oil is and how often they change it, too.
There is a really good fish shop in Port Macquarie. I go there a few times every year. Last time I noticed they had gone back to wrapping fish in paper, rather than using those boxes. I prefer them wrapped. They also had beer battered chips as an option. They weren’t great, but at least it was something different.
My cousin owns a pizza shop in Armidale. He has a special 2 for 1 deal for pizzas between 4 and 5pm. He has people queued out the door and he’s found it hasn’t cannibalised his after 6pm market.
I would also be doing a customer survey with customers at your current fresh fish store and asking them what they like in a fish and chip shop. I’m sure you’re asking every local you come across, too. And no doubt you’ll do a letterbox drop with opening specials when the time comes.
ScottTax Depreciation Schedules
Australia wide service
1300 660033 look at the Hamgurger price if it’s not $5 or under I go to a place that has!
Chips for a min of chips I want a decent amount that fills me up for $2-3.
Jaffasoft.comIn my opinion, you will need to define your Unique Selling Position (USP). In other words, why should I go to get fish and chips from you instead of down the road?
This USP should have NOTHING to do with price points. Not that pricing is not important, but what is so special about your store, and use it in your marketing.
Asset Protection Specialist is spot on about the USP. Is the shop take out only or will you have tables for customers? Are you going to sell hamburgers aswell?
If your market is young then they normally choose quanity over quality. You might want to offer a variety of sauces or dips to go with the chips instead of the standard tomato sauce, lemon juice or vinegar.Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to the days when potato cakes were 5 cents each and dim sims 10 cents each. Any special discounts for PIC members? It’s bloody hard to find a fish in chip shop in Japan , so I might just have to try yours.
Rich in happiness and money is better than rich in money with no happiness.
The USP will be that my fish and chips are healthy ! I will be using vegetable oil and will be offeringa grilled alternative to any fish i fry. I also have a Fresh Fish shop over the rd so my fish will be fresh, and will make sure that i am not going to be using any frozen fish AT ALL !
I will be putting in an oyster bar and hopefully have room for a fresh sushi cabinet and at least a few stools for people to sit down at. Im pretty sure im going to have a couple of tables out the front also.
My main objective is to be clean and appealing, yes i will be making burgers, both fish and beef burgers. Was also thinking of having grilled salmon potions if i can keep the cost down . As you can imagine, i dont want to be too over the top with my pricing.
“It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”
Aspiring property developer
Giulio Taranto
Sounds great Giullio,
This is not wonderfully healthy but…. pumpkin scallops are brilliant.
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