All Topics / Value Adding / Urine & Pet smell in floorboards

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  • Profile photo of mikeblue

    Hi Gang,

    anyone got any good ideas how to rid floorboards of that old urine/pet smell. I have just bought a place that has had the caroet removed >2 years ago, but the pet/urine smell had seeped into the floorboards. Stage 1 I have opedned the windows and bleach/water mopped the entire floor. What to do next, as I doubt this will succeed. I will be sanding and polyurethaning half the house and carpeting the other half. The floorsander chap suggested I paint copious amounts of paint on the floors in the to-be-carpetted rooms.

    Surely there must be some solution to this situation?



    “Its all beer and skittles really.”

    Profile photo of DohDoh
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    Try a Google search using “urine pet smell how to remove”

    Let us know how effective the solutions are.

    Cheers Karl.

    Profile photo of reelygood1reelygood1
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 65

    Company in Brisbane selling a product called salt-x has a product you need for pet smells
    I remember seeing it and thought what a great idea.



    Profile photo of salacioussalacious
    Join Date: 2003
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    -The somersoft forum had a person with the same problem under the general section titled Reno – before and after pics.



    Profile photo of AmandaBSAmandaBS
    Join Date: 2005
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    One of the cheapest ways to rid the smell of pet odour is to flood the area with “Cloudy Ammonia” , soak, and then go over with a steam mop. Test a small area first as it may change the colour of the timber. I use it all the time on the tiles around our toilet as we have boys!!

    “It is better to be inconspicuously wealthy, than to be ostentatiously poor…”

    Profile photo of mikeblue

    Ok, so here is where i have got to.

    I have hot mopped the floors with a heavy duty bleach and left overnight, this reduced the smell a little, then I cold mopped with hospital strength domestos disinfectant and left overnight, leaving all windows and doors open, again, this reduced it a little, but i dont know how permanantly. I then removed the vents from the sub floor to allow even greater ventilation.

    Next, I mopped the house with a cold cloudy amonia mix, this seemed to have the biggest impact so far, but the smell was still there to a degree.

    Next morning the smell had returned a bit stronger, I threw one out of left field and emptierd an entire bottle of nil-o-dor ont eh floors, this by far ha dthe biggest effect temporarily, but the smell did start to come back the next day. I then bought from a pet supplies company a bottle of “Piss-Off”, and then also did a mop with a product I bought from a Produxce store that is used in sheep shearing sheds after the sheer.

    Each treattment I either left overnight or at least for several hours, I am not sure if I should be leaving the treatments for longer, who knows.

    Finally I bought a sealant paint, and have started to paint he floors that will not eventually be sanded and polyurethaned. I have now left the house, will return in 2 weeks.

    Any ideas in the mantime would be great.



    “Its all beer and skittles really.”

    Profile photo of Don Nicolussi

    Hi Mike,

    I have never had this problem as bad as you but part of the solution is knowing that not all of the smell will be in the floors.

    Everything in the house will be absorbing to odour over time. Walls and ceilings may also have to be done as well. Cats and dogs will spray well above the floor coverings.

    Burn some coffee in there while you are working and try and add back “nice” smells at the same time you are sealing in the old – vanilla oil on wood trims at door height etc etc – all the usual tricks.


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    also – one more thing. If you have access to the subfloor get under the house and remove any rubbish and nasty surprises that may have been left for you.

    I Buy Property
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    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
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    Profile photo of mopsyblossommopsyblossom
    Join Date: 2003
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    Mop with a solution of lemon bleach and warm water, leave overnight to dry.
    Then mop with a solution of napisan (2 cups to a bucket) in warm water and leave overnight to air dry.This worked for me on a property where tenants vacated leaving 2 dogs in the house for 2 weeks to poo & wee.

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