All Topics / Help Needed! / Public Liability Insurance recommendations
I’m looking for public liability insurance for my vacant block of land until the builders move in to start construction works.
Can anyone recommend an insurance company that would do such policies.
All the main stream insurance I’ve contacted so far don’t do private (non community sporting/entertaining/festival public liability insurance policies.
Many thanks
GeoffBHi Geoff
Have you tried “Homelet” which provide public liability for landlords? Not sure if they can help but might be worth a try.
Hey Geoff,
I just had the same problem but finally managed to get a hold of someone who would this morning.
CGU were able to offer us Public Liability Insurance with no probs. To give you an idea of what they quoted us, our block is approx 780m2 and for $10M premium was $610.50 and for $5M premium was $457.88.
I’m ringing around to get a couple more quotes just to compare.
Hope this helps.
Kim Anand“Money Can’t Buy you Happiness but it Does Bring you a More Pleasant Form of Misery”
cgu have been good to me with landlords insurance and I am sure that they will refer you to the right insurance company as they are extremely helpful to customers if they can’t help you..
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