All Topics / Value Adding / Carport to Garage worth it???

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  • Profile photo of emptypocketsemptypockets
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 35

    Hi All,

    We have a brick carport which shares the roofline on one of our properties. To fit a garage door and fill in the back of the carport will cost minimum $3500. Maybe more if I have to brick the rear. The carport just fits our medium 4WD in length and you would really struggle to fit to cars side by side.

    Would be interested in anyone’s feedback on the following.

    1) Do you think it would make a significant difference to the value.
    2) Some builders are telling me not to bother about council approval.
    3) Has anyone had any experience with council approval for this as it looks like you have to jump through rings….of fire!


    Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    Without seeing the property, why not consider enclosing the area and making it a rumpus or bedroom and put a new double carport in front.

    This would mean an improvement and subsequent increase in rent for the extra living/bed room.


    Profile photo of lyndon_glyndon_g
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 58


    i think wylie’s idea is great.. if its possible..

    if not, a garage will definately add value…but only if it can actually manage to fit two decent sized cars in it! then again…test of your morals here…a potential buyer may not know its a tight squeeze until they buy the property…and they may not have large cars so it wouldnt matter.

    in regard to council approvals… i would definately wait for approval to save having your butt wooped later on… but i dont know how strict the councils are where you live… i know here in perth we go through hell trying to get approvals when we would like them!



    Profile photo of 1HotValuer1HotValuer
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 73

    A carport adds about $10,000 to the value of a home and a garage adds $20,000 in Sydney. So yes you are adding value.
    Not sure about council approvals in your area though. I do know that you need to apply for it if you are building a new garage, but to add onto the carport; phone the council and ask.

    Profile photo of depreciatordepreciator
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 541

    You’d be wise going through council. All it takes is a disgruntled neighbour to dob you in and you may have to pull it all down.

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    Profile photo of HandymanHandyman
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 46

    Converting the carport to a garage would add more value woithout a doubt, if the carport is built as part of the house then you really dont need to go through council as you are are not building a new garage you are just enclosing the carport. You can check with council to be on the safe side.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Gotta admit, I’m with Wylie, it may be worth doing a feasability study to look at converting it to a room and adding a carport or garage out the front at the same time..I’ve seen it done before to both increase rent and value

    I’d go through council as well..not worth the drama’s in the long run

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    Profile photo of TizzyTizzy
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 26

    Well we did exactly what you are contemplating and enclosed our carport. It was not necessary to get council approval and we are in Perth. We had the sectional remote door installed first by the experts. We then used fast brick to fill in between the pillars and rendered that. The rear wall, we cheated slightly, pushing it out further on the eve. That added crucial length to the garage. We couldn’t have built an enclosed “rumpus” room because it wouldn’t have met the covenants and the ceiling on the carport was slightly lower than in the main house. The most difficult part was putting in a door frame and door onto the front porch. It definately added value way more than the cost. Don’t forget, 4 wheel drives are usually hard to fit into a lot of garages but it may be fine for the average sized cars.

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