All Topics / Help Needed! / Changing agent
Hi all,
I am interested in purchasing a piece of real estate in NSW. How ever I find the agent in charge of the place to be a bit slimy and I don’t really feel comfortable with him nor do I think he could/would do the best by me. There is another agent in the same place that I dealt with a week ago and I found him to be really good but unfortunately he isn’t in charge of this property.
How do this real estates work in regards to this? If I was to ask to deal with the nice bloke do you think they would allow this? Would this just annoy them and possible ruin my chances of getting a good deal anyway?
They both work in the same office for the same company (incase I didn’t make that clear above
Hi alwayzlearnin
Maybe you could have quiet word with the principle in the office and explain your dilemma. Also can you speak to someone from another branch nearby and see whether they are allowed to handle the sale from their office? I know when we bought in WA I could approach the agent I was dealing with in relation to any other property advertised for sale with any other agent, there is some sort of an arrangement regarding the commission I believe.
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