All Topics / Overseas Deals / Any one bought in Shanghai?

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  • Profile photo of SpawnedSpawned
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 9

    Hi I am considering buying in property in Shanghai, the returns look good. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has purchased property in Shanghai or China.

    Some questions I have are:
    Is it easy to get finance locally?
    What are the pitfalls?


    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    Might like to look at the following

    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker
    **NODOC loans from 7.14%**
    Licensed Financial Planner
    Ph: 07-3720 1888

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of grossrealisationgrossrealisation
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,031

    investing in china is not as easy as investing in a western country nor is the system the same.
    there are alot of other issues that need to be addressed before you invest not only in china but in alot of the asian region.
    the main issues are.
    security of your investment
    the ease at which you can sell and take your money out of the country
    rules to take it out.
    return on investment and getting that cash out.
    what other cost over and above the paper costs you need to pay to hold and keep your investment.
    I am pushing into china put am using a chinese company as a jv so it is not a market that I would invest direct without a jv chinese company.

    here to help
    If you want to get involved in some of the projects I’m involved in email to

    Profile photo of jdshcnjdshcn
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    i am local shanghainese.
    you were quite right because in recent decade the proprety investments’ return is about 200% or 300% but with the govnmnts changing policies, the current market is not that profitable as it used to be.

    cautious: price within Zhongshan RD is more steable compared with outside Middle Cycle Line(Zhong Huan Xian in mandarin)

    the price of Shanghai might be the highest in mainland prchina.

    i will soon be a overseas student in oz who is wondering if should buy a realestate just arrive or not…. keep on searching infor i need!


    Profile photo of truebluetrueblue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 142

    Hi Shaun, my sister has a property in Shanghai. Bought it about 3 years ago. As far as I’m aware, she’s yet to see any returns. She paid cash for the property. Not sure if it’s a place you’ll want to invest in.

    Profile photo of kum yin laukum yin lau
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 342

    now is very late in the property cycle so please consider carefully. I’m Chinese, by race not citizen & I ‘bought’ a unit in 1 Park Avenue Shanghai. I wrote a $5000 cheque to book the purchase which was built and marketed by a Singapore company linked to the Singapore government. That was in 2002. I then got cold feet & withdrew. Now, if I had kept on with it, I would have realised huge capital gains.

    The selling agents returned my cheque immediately upon request.

    The details are like this: payment is upfront in US dollars. A loan is easily obtained pending your own serviceability on 75-75% LVR

    I pulled out because of the draconian upfront payments. The secondary reason was that I was unsure whether the Chinese government would not do a U-turn. The governments of Singapore & Malaysia are supposedly capitalist & democratic but both had reversed the regulations to punish foreign owners. Even Australia has a FIRB or FRIB regulation. It means that foreigners cannot the established houses or something like that. I’m trying to work around this for my overseas friends who want to invest in Australia.

    Please get more advice before venturing into Shanghai.

    Good luck.
    Kum Yin

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