All Topics / Overseas Deals / How to Finance US RE deals
I am in desperate need of a lender to finance a property in Volusia county Florida, I have asked for vendor financing/seller carry back of 20% to cover part of the deposit to no avail. Does anyone know if I could use a lo/no doc loan from Australia to invest in the US as I run a home based business, additionally, do any of you know of financial institutions which lend to Australians for US acquisitions. I have read in here before of mortgages brokered in Buffalo and San Antonio; but I am thinking of investing predominantly in Florida.
Any help in this matter will be highly appreciated!
Willcreativity is more valuable than your next IP purchase
Hi Berryinc.
As far as brokers go, especially in Texas, they will be able to assist you with lending in most parts of the United States, including Florida.
You certainly cant use a loan from Australia either to fund offshore property as they have no security over the home.
Depending on how good the deal is that you are looking at, you could either try and find a private investor to take over the note on the property, and you pay back the note to them.Obviously to do this you will need to have contacts to make it happen.
We are in the process of doing this in Texas.(However a deposit is still required). Other than that I dont know if you have to many options other than financing it through a bank and putting down a deposit.
Providing Turnkey Real Estate Investments In The USA.
web: http://www.gr8realestateinvestments.commuch appreciated advice Chad….Do you know any Texas lenders I can contact in regards to this?
thanks again!
Willcreativity is more valuable than your next IP purchase
Drop me an e-mail and I will happily pass on my brokers details.
Providing Turnkey Real Estate Investments In The USA.
web: http://www.gr8realestateinvestments.comthere are tons of Brokers in Florida as this is a market the brits have been into for a number of Years getting a laon on property there for uk ciitzens is pretty straight forward due to the thousands that have done it already, i wouldnt bother witha texas broker when you can got a broker with knowledge of how things work in Florida state
when the going gets weird the weird turn pro
There are several options possibly available for you in the state of FL. These would include 90% and also a true No Doc. No Doc means that no employment, income, or assets are put on the application. Most lenders here in the US will require that your business has been operating for at least 2 years if you are going to use that as a source of income.
If a mortgage broker is in another state that shouldn’t affect your finacing. As long as they (or their company) is licensed in that state you should be ok.
Feel free to contact me. I specialize in investment loans here in the US. There are a couple other posts on this forum that you can go back and read through that address US loans.
Ben Carmona
Mortgage Planning Consultant
“Specializing In Investment Loans”
First National Mortgage Sources
314-914-6052 c
866-226-6309 f
http://www.BenCarmona.comLending Nationwide Throughout the US
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