All Topics / Help Needed! / written offers – Help please
Are most wriiten offer made on the contract forms or do most ppl on this forum use a template? if so could someone please email to , I would like to learn from the best and protect myself.
Hi Rexilla99,
We sometimes use the agent’s letter of offer if they have sufficient space for what we want to put on there but more often than not if we’re putting offers on homes we haven’t yet personally inspected, we just fax off something from home.
We just include things like address, agent’s details, offer price, settlement terms, finance terms, expiry date and contact details.
We always put expiry date on our letter of offers because if you don’t, we find that agents will tend not to consult with vendors as a matter of priority in hope they will receive better offers later in the week. Thats just how we do it, not saying its the right way but it works for us because we always hear back from the agents within that time frame. Hope this helps you out.
Kim Anand“Money Can’t Buy you Happiness but it Does Bring you a More Pleasant Form of Misery”
Thanks for your reply Kim.
I also would like to know if I should get a building and pest inspection. The house is brand new from the builder and has termite guard around the house.
Should I require a building inspection even though the house is under warranty?
Hello Rexilla99,
Despite what the builder or real estate agent will tell you i would get a final inspection done on the new building work. A Final Inspection of the works will/should identify:
  • any things which are unfinished (incomplete work)
  • problems which need fixing (defective work)
  • certification i recommend you ask the contractor to give you. This certification is proof that major parts of the work have been properly inspected.Often there can many minor issues which can be quite difficult or expensive to rectify.
Trusting the system or the contract is foolish and the reason why there are so many expensive and frustrating disputes between consumers and builders.
Good luck. [suave]
I get archicentre to do my building inspections on newly constructed properties and I don’t pay the final installment until all the contractual finishes have been completed to my satisfaction.
This process has been followed by a friend of mine as well and it made sure he got a lot of rough work remedied before he made his final payment. The building inpector will do a thorough report and will be able to pick up issues that you would probably not know about. I suggest getting it sorted out while you still have some financial leverage.
Todd Burns we were going to keep the house and not demolish it, we would normally put it subject to a pest and building inspection to our satisfaction. If you include something along the lines of “to purchasers satisfaction” then that should allow you to back out of a deal regardless of whether the pest/building inspection comes up ok…..we use this because often a building inspection may come up ok and what is deemed as ok by most parties however, it could be something else that pops up in the report which will cost you more money than you’ve budgeted for.
Hope this helps
Kim Anand“Money Can’t Buy you Happiness but it Does Bring you a More Pleasant Form of Misery”
there is a great article on this in the July Aust. Property Investor magazine.
Be very careful with written offers, if it is accepted, you could have a binding contract – which you may not be able to exit.
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I have just put in a written offer today , I wanted to put in subject to building and pest inspection but the REA told me that the building has been inspected by the council? Is there such a thing?
REA also told me that I do not need a pest inspection because the building is brand new and has termite gaurd around the house.
Should I go back and include it in the contract or a council ispection is good enough?
NEVER beleive an agent!
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