All Topics / Heads Up! / Feedback on Reno Kings’ One Day Just Reno workshop

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  • Profile photo of Time Matters

    Hi fellow property investors,

    Just wondering if anybody has attended and can provide feedback on the Reno Kings’ One Day Just Renos workshop in Brisbane. We are seriously considering flying up from Melb for August workshop and would love to hear people’s thoughts after attending this workshop.

    Feedback much appreciated![biggrin]

    SueTime Matters

    Profile photo of Mama2MiaMama2Mia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 115

    Hi SueTimeMatters,

    My hubby and i flew up for the Melbourne workshop and were a little disappointed. I think it depends on how much experience you have in property to start off with. If you’re just starting out then its a workshop i would highly recommend as there were plenty of live testimonials of former students who have done extremely well for themselves with renovations. The reno kings are great presenters, with high energy and some great stories to share.

    I guess the biggest thing we learnt was that we knew more than what we thought we did……this was just our personal experience of the workshop.

    We don’t regret it at all, i think even for us walking away with the confirmation that we knew more than what we thought we did was well worth the trip.



    Kim Anand

    “Money Can’t Buy you Happiness but it Does Bring you a More Pleasant Form of Misery”

    Profile photo of Time Matters

    Thanks Kim for your input.

    We have done several renos in Melb over the past 8yrs. However, always keen to know if there are better & cheaper ways of doing things….


    Profile photo of WakeWake
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123

    I agree with Kim. If you are looking for nuts and bolts, or are already experienced at renos or investing in general, you might be disappointed. We felt as Kim did, that it was good info and well presented, but very little about the nitty gritty of renovating.


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