All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth – these builders?

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  • Profile photo of soof

    Hello all,

    We are looking around at builders for our first PPOR, but have no experience in the market. We like Celebrations & Ventura Homes. I noted that a lot of investors here like Celebrations because of their short building times. But, would you also choose Celebrations for your PPOR (for a first homebuyer)? In other words, is their quality good?
    We think Ventura is probably a better-quality builder but are not too sure about their building times. Also some people have had pretty bad experiences with them.

    Any thoughts/recommendations?


    Profile photo of lyndon_g


    Celebrations seem to be doing quite well, as do ventura. Id say they are both just as good as the next builder…apart from a select few :). In regard to building times, if you get your home within a year of signing a preparation of plans agreement, you are doing well. one would hope that these two building companies are achieving this, but the industry is crazy at the moment and anything could happen!
    feel free to ask any questions regarding building co’s etc…i am part owner of a medium size building company in perth so i could hopefully give you some useful advice if required!

    good luck!


    Profile photo of MTR

    I am currently building with Celebration in Perth and Ventura in South West. Ventura, second time around.

    Have been happy with both?
    Overall Celeb is cheaper, and will build within 12 month timeframe.

    Ventura – fittings etc. higher standard, you could be looking at possibly extra $10,000 for same size home .

    Ventura – Timeframe south-west within 12 months.
    However, I have heard Ventura will take longer in Perth metro area (18 months), but cant confirm this??

    I would not hesitate using either for my first property, though I think Ventura may be able to provide more options. Celeb only build homes I think upto 235sqm2, and dont have as many designs.

    Recommend you do a search on “Celebration Homes” as this issue has been raised by many on this forum and should provide interesting info.

    (Hard work never killed anyone, buy hey why take a chance)

    Profile photo of soof

    Thanks for your replies. You confirmed what I was thinking… Celebrations say you get a letter from their MD stating your home will be finished within 12 months.
    The Ventura home we’re looking at is a little smaller but 10K more expensive…
    We’ll have another think about it and make a decision this weekend… it’s just hard to make the decision, as both have pro’s and con’s! But that’s with every builder I suppose…


    Profile photo of nedkellynedkelly
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 49

    Celebration homes are under the same ownership as Dale Alcock homes and The Homebuyers Centre. Basically they use the same tradespeople it’s just the building standard specifications are higher for Alcock and less for Homebuyers in relation to Celebration. So if you are comparing apples with apples you would have to compare Ventura with Dale Alcock not Celebration.

    ned kelly

    Profile photo of MTR

    I actually found these homes to represent excellent value, seems like alot investors do to:

    – Celebration, Pinnacles
    – Ventura, Le Merridian

    Similar size approx. 236sqm2.


    (Hard work never killed anyone, buy hey why take a chance)

    Profile photo of truebluetrueblue
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 142

    We’ve build two houses through Dale Alcock & can say we’ve been very happy with them. A very professional mob to deal with.


    Profile photo of mikeCmikeC
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 24
    Originally posted by soof:

    Celebrations say you get a letter from their MD stating your home will be finished within 12 months.

    From when? If its from the date you sign preparation of plans, great. If its 12 months from when the slab goes down….not as great and it can be up to four months between those two! Check it out if they havent already let you know.


    Always Ready.

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    IMHO most building companies are only as good as the team that does the work on “your” house..I’ve worked with companies in the past that have had Great and cr*p teams (out of the industry now)

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”

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    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    That’s right your only as good as your weakest team member.

    Check out a 91 Unit +Cashflow Positive deal that is evolving

    Profile photo of RegrowRegrow
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 77

    We built with Celebrations last year and was completed in 6 months from time slab was poured. Found them quite good and would use them again although prices have gone up a great deal from when we signed up.

    Currently building 2 with New Generation Homes. They are part of the Summit Group. We also found the fixtures to be of a higher standard. Build time is 12 months.



    You are a fool for 5 seconds if you ask a question, but a fool for life if you don’t.

    Profile photo of soof


    we just signed up with Celebrations on the weekend. The letter we received states that it will take 5 months to going to site, after which construction is expected to last 7 months. I’ll let you know the actual times as we go through the process!
    Would you guys recommend using a construction inspection service, as we have no clue about building… at all??


    Profile photo of lyndon_g


    I dont think you should spend extra money on a building inspection service (never heard of this btw)…simply because this is what you are paying your builder for!

    Can you elaborate more on the service you are looking at getting ?


    Profile photo of soof


    I was looking at these guys:
    They do inspections at 4 stages throughout the construction process. They list this as some of the errors they encounter:

    “You might be interested in a couple of errors we have encountered recently.

    Slab not to specification
    Slab incorrect size
    Slab lower than datum point
    No allowance for plumbing pipes
    Wrong number of brick courses
    Brick laying sub-standard
    Roof frame held together with string (true story)
    Roof covering not installed to manufacturers specification
    Power points too close to wash basin
    Kitchen cupboards not installed to a good standard of workmanship “

    Problem is that we are first homebuyers with no building knowledge at all, so if the builder says everything is fine, and it’s not, we wouldn’t have a clue… so for the extra peace of mind we were thinking of using this service…

    Profile photo of lyndon_g

    I think even though you are first home owners, you should have trust in your builder…especially because it is celebration homes. I definately understand your concern, but a supervisor will be allocated to your job and will be quite experienced.

    That construction inspection service would be beneficial for an owner builder, or someone using a small private company that they dont know much about.

    If you feel that you would really be more comfortable using an outside inspection service, then make sure it is within your budget and go for it because building your first home can be a stressful time!

    otherwise, remember that you are building with one of Australias biggest building groups. You are also protected in many ways by the HIA. Read your contracts and associated documents thoroughly and you will see that the builder has many strict guidelines it has to adhere to.



    Profile photo of BestBuilderBestBuilder
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Could I ask who the parent company is for all of these builders? Someone said that Ventura and Celebrations were the same??


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