All Topics / Value Adding / Subdivision / Development Costs in Brisbane

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  • Profile photo of okinjaokinja
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 2

    I am looking at purchasing a project in Brisbane involving the subdivision of a block into 3 lots and sliding the house onto 1 lot. There is already a DA in place so I am just coming up to speed with the remaining costs. I have been told that subdivision cost are $25 – $40,000 per lot and sliding and raising the house is around $25,000. My questions are:

    1) For a flat block on batalax driveway what is the likely subdivision costs. I have the council contribution cost @ $20,000 for both the 2 new lots.

    2) Is $25,000 accurate for sliding and raising a 3brm Queenslander?

    3) What professionals am I best to consult with the get site specific cost e.g. surveyor, architect, planner??

    4) Is 6 months for the subdivision and house sliding accurate given a DA is already in place?

    5) Is a further 6 months accurate if I chose to build on the lots?

    6) For my first subdivision would it be worth paying a professional (architect??) to do the project costing and time line for this project and I project manage so at least the risk of cost blowout is minimised. What type of professional would be the most cost effective to provide this service?

    Thank you in advance for your thoughts/comments/suggestions
    Regards Okinja.[biggrin]

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