All Topics / Value Adding / Laundry vs. Extra Lounge/Dining Space?

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  • Profile photo of Stuart MilneStuart Milne
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 196

    O.K. All, here is my question, and think emotionally in this I want you to for a reason. Would you buy a property with this feature?

    I have purchased a property to Renovate. My plan is to demolish and Remove the two Non-Structural Walls dividing the Laundry and the Dining Room. This will allow me to install a Front Loading Washiing Machine & Dryer Combo in the old hot water system Cupboard (the unit is now 2 years old and was moved outside leaving a cupoboard with taps and a drain). I then plane to enclose the laundry tub inside a Sliding Door cupboard as well and have the laundry basically as part of the dining room, but concealed and using as little space as possible. Shelves on the other side of the cupboard will be the line closet and off to the side of that one of those folding out Iron closets which cost about $350.00.

    My question is: Would this appeal to Families if yes why? and if not why not?

    All feedback no matter how critical is appreciated.


    Stuart Milne
    Non-Conforming Specialist
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    Profile photo of WinzerWinzer
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 41

    I don’t think the fact the house wont have a dedicated room for a laundry will matter at all. Personally I think they are an ugly waste of space however, some people may be conditioned to having one in every house. A friend of mine has removed a laundry which was entered from outside the house and a shower room and separate
    bathroom and opened them up into one room. This gave room for a corner spa, shower enclosure, double basin and another toilet. The laundry is now in a in cupboard in the bathroom with full height sliding doors with enough room for washer, dryer, trough and some shelving. It looks great and he’s had nothing but positive feedback while his house is on the market.
    If you have to sacrifice a room for space in another room, I think the laundry is it.
    Just a thought though. I have never seen a washer or heard it working in a dining area. Could you flip it around to open from whatever room it backs on to or is that too much work? It may seem a little too alien to prospective buyers to have a washer in a dining area.

    Profile photo of elkamelkam
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 722

    Hello Stuart

    You wanted an emotional response so here it is… [biggrin]

    Eh??? Laundry off dining room??? In this I agree with Mark, unless the dining room is part of an open kitchen and then it makes a bit more sense. However not if it is a formal seperate dining room.

    The construction you discribe for the laundry is called a Europeans laundry (not sure why) and is fine though I don’t see a place for the dirty laundry basket.

    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of depreciatordepreciator
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 541

    I think that sort of configuration is fine for couples – and neat ones at that. Families tend to generate a fair bit of laundry and sometimes it’s good to have a room where the mess can be hidden.
    If the laundry is going to be in another room, the bathroom would be more appropriate.

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    Profile photo of Jenny1Jenny1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 269


    I did a similar thing in QLD had a dedicated large room for the laundry and a small living area. We took the wall out and tiled the whole floor (after getting the carpet up that had been glued down[glum2]). We had the combo washing mach/dryer and put in shelving beside – enough for washing basket etc then a sliding door that hides everything away. Looks great tenants are happy with the extra space.



    Profile photo of BrierlBrierl
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    I have previously done in a reno and I found it works out very well. Tenants appreciate the space etc and there is plenty of room to spread on washing days. The downside is the limited space for storing cleaners etc from the kids and the ironing board etc that is usually in the laundry space. If other nhandy storage space is available this is a great solution.

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    What’s the full area that opens up when the two walls are knocked out?

    I like the idea more on putting a small wall or little room and moving the cupboard area to be on the back of that wall so the cupboard becomes part of the dining room. It would be an area where tenants will put crystals and things pictures, ornaments etc.

    All depends on cost of a new wall and doorway in your budget if going that way. So that then it would be the opened living area joining cupboard on wall and the laundry which utilizes the existing plumbing so that saves on costs.

    If taking to walls out there is going to be pine there anyway so should be able to use that to construct the new wall. And with taking down the two walls I’m guessing that there will be a spare door that could be used.

    My emotional thought is that I don’t like to envisage eating next to where cleaning clothes.

    I see what you’re thinking though it’s practical and might well work.

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