All Topics / General Property / Property bust not here yet … worse to come

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  • Profile photo of simple


    OLD thread, let's keep it afloat to see it expectations eventuate. To date we seen no price drop in mid/low range.
    However the top end sunk a minimum 30% (1m+ properties), that is in Wynnum / Manly / Lota in Brisbane

    Profile photo of harbharb
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 324
    simple wrote:

    OLD thread, let's keep it afloat to see it expectations eventuate. To date we seen no price drop in mid/low range.
    However the top end sunk a minimum 30% (1m+ properties), that is in Wynnum / Manly / Lota in Brisbane

    Even if it does eventuate it may only do so after the prices have gone up a lot.  Someone who has been waiting for a 30% crash since prices were a third of the peak is still going to end up worse off. He would also be reduced to choosing  from a limited number of properties since most sellers would refuse to sell so low and simply withdraw the property from the market  until conditions improved.

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    The only properties going up are the first home owners that 80% of valuers don't want to value … top end real estate in all cities are down 40% … yest some big prices are still coming in but only one or two …

    In Hedges ave in the Gold Coast a 60 million dollar house just sold for 17 million …

    Valuers are fire sailing properties at 80% true value to the banks … why is that?

    H&L in Mackay that 12 months ago was selling for $520,000.00 by Choice Homes are now struggling to get $465,000.00 rents have dropped from 550.00 per week to 420 per week for a 4 bed DLUG

    Black Beach and Plantation Palms on the North side are struggling …

    Harvey Bay in QLD is in the s..t with heaps of mortgagee sales …

    I can give you more if you want … ?????????? yep tims are good … ask a finance broker how their business is going today …

    Profile photo of devo76devo76
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 542

    Looks like we all see what we want to see. Yes top end has dropped in many areas. But for every example of a drop. Another example can be found of a rise.Sooooo many variables across the country.

    Fact is the big drops many anticipated   DID…….. NOT…….. HAPPEN.

    Profile photo of coalstarcoalstar
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 122

    Well my prediction is property will generally go up around the country.
    Its funny how between 2002-2007 interest rates were on the incline yet property went up in the value. Rates will start to rise again but that won’t stop ppl buying property.
    There’s a massive shortage of undersupply and that will remain the same for the next ten yrs. Intake of migration, China and India becoming westernised, I mean, who cares about America anymore. Has China stopped growing during the past year?? The mining industry is set for massive growth.
    Australia will keep growing, land will become even more expensive, we’ll probably have another recession in 2016 etc, etc,
    Unless we all decide to start living out of tents and baked beans then property might decline another 40% like some ppl are predicting but then again, a can of beans might cost 50 bucks.

    Profile photo of simple

    Well, well it's been 3+ years for this thread :)

    Anyone want to comment on what is coming/hapening? First crash did not effect mid-low range RE in Australia, we know this for a fact now, thanks to FHOG.
    Now people talking about second wave (double dip) coming. Thinking logically, this should now correct mid-low RE prices in this round.
    Will it happen?

    Profile photo of Surrealist

    Well the RBA held off on another interest rate rise – even though economists everywhere were predicting they would increase it by 25 basis points. 

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    Thank you "simple" my old friend and we are still here …

    Yes it has been an interesting 3 years since I started this post …

    I think the RBA made the correct the decision and I backed it that they wouldn't …

    Next challenge is LVR coming down to 80% away from the 110% loans 3 years ago and the rising cost of first homes and lack of confidence of valuers … remember a property cycle can be flat for 8 years so maybe we have 5 years of no boom like 2003 – 2007

    Time will tell.

    Profile photo of NilixNilix
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 21

    Is anyone using the property analyser at

    Seems good and I want to know who else is using it.

    Profile photo of thecrestthecrest
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 992

    Struth – 3 years for a thread – you guys need to speed up the typing a bit. This must be historic !!!
    S'pose this thread should've celebrated a few birthdays too for W4L  as the original thread starter –  and still going strong, amazing.

    World economics is not my forte that's for sure, but I hope it's true that Australia is well positioned with oil and mineral assets to weather a financial storm. Our mortgages bind our people to their properties and provide a kind of stability not enjoyed by USA.
    It's a shame about our high household debt, suckers for advertising we are, and want all the cars boats n gadgets, and wow man nothing to pay for 600 days , cooool. Or put it on your home loan, ouch.

    Wouldn't mind if we had better leadership results too.

    Still the best country in the world.



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    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Nice Crest. What no million years interest free for you? Anyone think that rates will go up in the next couple months? All the analysts etc were wrong this time….. And no I'm not particularly worried, more curious.


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of Surrealist

    I don't get the contradiction – on the one hand we got the RBA and economists saying rates will increase significantly this year and on the other, the fed govt's continued stimulus spending in light of an apparent slow recovery! I wonder if the rate increase rhetoric is there to produce a little fear and cur spending so rates do not have to increase, or increase as much as the alarmists are predicting. Really annoying, if linflation is blowing out and unemploymet has peaked, then why can't our govt read the bloody signs and pull back on the stimulus splurging? Remember when rates were going up like crazy in 2008 to put downward pressure on inflation an then suddenly the GFC hit and just as suddenly was the reaction to lower them, clearly showing that noone has a clue as to how to forecast economic change. In retrospect, it was almost embarrassing for the govt / RBA and the like.   

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    Hi Surralist,

    Have you read Robert Kiyosakis new book … Conspiracy … we are being sucked in by the government and the poor people have NO SAY in our lives … they SPEND and we PAY for it in our TAX money … then every thing goes up and we PAY again … AFG are down 1.4 billion in a month from loans

    LOOK at the signs on the streets people AFG said that real estate is NOT performing as the news says it is that is the conspiracy we are suckers and are being controlled by politicians who couldn't run a corner store and make a profit.


    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Wealth, you ok over there? Have you not made a penny this year? Are you really a sucker? What is the rest of the article? Down 1.4 coz they are not lending like they used to because THEY are scared of another GFC?

    Deep breath, try another lender.

    And it is pretty common knowledge that most pollies couldn't run a bath let alone a shop! Hell the figure head is a diplomat! Talk, talk, talk. Cheap, cheap, cheap.

    Keep reading but remember a grain of salt with everything. And when you feel a little down count your many properties and go swimming in your coin silo.


    DWolfe |
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    Hahahah u r sooooooooo funny wolfe

    It is amazing how the market is changing every month and week when it comes to money … commercial 50% and development finance I am giving up on for 12 months and working on renos and knock downs of res A

    Profile photo of winwinbusinessdealswinwinbusinessdeals
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    Depends on the investor, and their reality

    Even in the midst of the worst depression, smart investors can make the biggest returns. From an entrepreneurial perspective, the bigger the problem, the bigger the solution needed, therefore the bigger the payoff. There are still such big problems with real estate in australia today, with some of the highest prices, the highest costs of living and the highest tax rates, combined with some of the highest corruption of politicians in taking away our rights and freedoms in a very consistent manner

    Im looking into innovative solutions to some of these problems, because I dislike much of the status quo in real estate and how it benefits unaustralian interests

    A smart investor looks at the evidence presented and surely can see something smells fishy with the phony worldwide financial system, and the liability being transferred from banking and finance to governments. Political agendas of control, that are just now being fulfilled dont just magically go away, and I am afraid for the majority it will be a very harsh and rude wake up.

    Its always good to be informed on the big picture not just the hype. Isnt there something along the lines of 'do the opposite of the masses' as good advice? I am always extremely wary of what is being hyped in the media and by big interests, and I find its consistently against my health and wellbeing



    Profile photo of minichickminichick
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 54

    With the 70k new jobs announced recently and closer to home the alderhsot mine looking at finally going ahead I wouldnt be sitting on the sidelines for to long for hervey bay outlying beach areas close to the alderhsot mine about 15klms where we are

    Profile photo of DWolfe

    Good post Pete. You are right about the control and loss of freedoms. Govt run internet access and censorship, means more control over what information  can be accessed. ETS so that eventually they can charge for the air that you breathe. More bureaucratic red tape than you can chainsaw through in all levels of Govt. They didn't remove the terror laws once the terror threat was removed. But everyone has forgotten very quickly, distracted by the daily grind and working to pay tax. I think Captain Bringdown AKA K-Rudd has a model very much based on the Chinese model of provision of information.  


    DWolfe |
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    Profile photo of simple

    Bump to the top for quick summary.

    Let's stay on topic.
    It's been 4 years since thread was started, todate we have
    – High end (1M+) wend down and bouncing around now
    – Mid range (500+) grown, have no knowlege true %, does anyone knows?
    – Low end went up big time, anyone have %?

     We have at hand rising IR, poor bussiness perfomance (based on my observation of manufacturing sector I am in), TAX reform coming (can expect surprises there). On the other hand we have had 4 years of time delay in crash for balance sheets to get improved by private induviduals and companies.

    Interesting times ahead.

    Profile photo of fWordfWord
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 471

    Well I just wish they'd reveal the said tax reforms (ie. the stuff they think is going to control property prices) now instead of firing blanks at us. The 'threats' are becoming very tiring on the eyes and ears.

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