All Topics / Value Adding / Opinions on DIY Flat pack kitchens
Greetings all,
I am looking to buy my second investment property. I was probably going to get an apartment or townhouse that needed some work but nothing major. Depending on the market I would sell or hold.
I have been looking at flat pack kitckens, in particular sold by bunnings and another major brand - This second provider seems to have more options though is a bit more expensive. I am reasonably handy and confident I could put together a small kitchen with some mates over a weekend.
I wanted to know what experience people had with DIY kitchens in particular the finish and quality as well as ease of installation? Another option is a second hand kitchen. I have heard that some major kitchen providers sell these and floor stock cut to size at discounted prices, any info on this also would be appreciated.Cheers,
mcdeyess@hotmail.comWe are in the same boat looking for a kit kitchen. We live in Melbourne and have had kitset kitchens price a flat pack for $3900, the same kitchen at flatpax is only $$2560, We do not know of the quality of either tho, …………Anyone with any other thoughts????
James and Michelle
Im melb if you are handy Grays auctions have home renovator auctions about every 3 weeks and they have pre-fab kitchens that you can measure up and cut to fit.We got a freedom kitchen which was pretty good quality and a little more exy than the flatpacks. But what we learnt is they just contract an experience installer (maybe a cabinet maker not sure).
These guys work for themselves so it could be a safer installation option regardless of the type of kitchen you buy.
Sorry it does not answer your quality Q!
Sorry,can’t comment on quality of flat packs as havn’t used one. We bought an Ikea kitchen (and were happy with quality) and decided to install ourselves with the help of a “handy-man”paid on hourly rate. We had been quoted approx $1000 for it to be installed by the recommended Ikea installer and similar cost from Kitcraft, which they said would have been completed in a day.
Well, handy-man and handy husband took well over full week-end and several evenings together to put in cos of uneven floor giving lotsa hassles. In terms of speed and eventual cost we might have been better off with the seemingly expensive installer.Will be interested to hear if anyone does have experience of using the flatpax.
We also ended up ordering a Freedom kitchen, which works out to be around $8000 incl all demolition, kitchen itself & installation. Minimum fuss, and we’ve since used the same installer for a few other jobs [biggrin]!
[inlove] We are REALLY happy with it!
We weren’t happy with the flat pack ones we’ve seen.
The other option would be a kitchen face-lift (just changing the bench top & doors). We’ve been quoted about $4000-5000. That might be your other option, if the existing kitchen is structurally sound.
Thanks very much to everyone who has responded, I appreciate the feedback. [biggrin]
I did have a quick look at IKEA kitchens, they did seem a bit more expensive but perhaps the quality is better. I am mindful of the time it may take to do the work. I have only previously ripped a kitchen out and not installed a new one.
I will look out for aution houses as another possibility for a kitchen. A face lift is another great idea I was talking to some friends last night who had done that to theirs I had aways assumed it was brand new so it is certainly an option that can work.Cheers,
mcdeyess@hotmail.comAs many of you know I am in the process of a kitchen and bathroom reno and have posted several times on the issue of kitchens.
We are in Melbourne and go a quote through a professional kitchen caprenter who we thought would be quite expensive and it turns out her is changing us $6000 for a large kitchen and includes GST and installation. Demolishing existing kitchen would cost $250 but we are doing this ourselves….He will install the new one in 1 day!!!!!He is also doing a european laundry fit out (double cupboard, cupboard doors the same as the kitchen and internal shelving) for $750…..This is best for us as it leaves me and my partner tie to focus on internal painting, some pastering and otehr things as part of the renovation…….[inlove]
I have used a flat pack from Magnet Mart in Canberra(Gungahlin).
It took a long time to plan but everything else went well. It was simple, flexible and looks excellent. The one complaint was fitting the stove top to the unit they had available because of the way it was made. When fitting the sink or stove top plan ahead and cut out the opening in the unit before fitting and cutting the counter top.
Saved a considerable amount of money and found it easier to co-ordinate the other trades ie electrician, plumber and gas-fitter.
The finish was great and the assistance from the store very good.We have been getting more quotes for flat pack kitchens with the proper corners prepared on the benchs…We have currently got the best price from “Australian Benchtop Manufacturers” in Dandenong…Melbourne…..a U shape kitchen, including 3 overheads for about $2800…..
James and Michelle
I am aslo tihnknig aobut putiting in a new kichten. I am prtey hadny wtih the tolos. I am not a rael godo wrtier but. i dnot tihnk tihs wlil hlpe aynnoe but I tinhk its pertyt fnnuy.
We did a small Ikea kitchen (no top cupboard though) – my husband and I built the cupboards and drawers in two evenings. I did the drawers in a couple of hours whilst watching TV! We were surprised how easy it all was. We would definitely do it again – although surprise surprise – there were some bits missing!! Also the wooden worktop (Ikea again) had a big dint in it, but luckily it was on the edge and we had to chop that bit off anyway.
The hardest part was getting the whole thing level on our wonky floor – oh and we had to take the benchtop to a carpenter to get the join cut properly – oh and its a major hassle wheeling that stacked full Ikea trolley with a mind of its own around to the loading bay while husband gets car – I think a few ankles got bashed!!![blink]
hi james and michelle
if you need help in asemble and instalation of kitset kitchen i can help
i do tilling plastering an carpenty work allso
ihave done 100s of flat pack kitchens
iam in melb so email memarco_install wrote:hi james and michelle
if you need help in asemble and instalation of kitset kitchen i can help
i do tilling plastering an carpenty work allso
ihave done 100s of flat pack kitchens
iam in melb so email memarco_install, …… I think you are about 3 years too late. James and michelle's post was written in June 2006.
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