All Topics / Value Adding / Adding another bedroom
Just wondering if anyone can help me here??
If you find, for example, a 2 bedroom house with the potential to change a living area into a 3rd bedroom, what are the legalities with doing this. I know it will vary from council area to council area.
But just wanting to hear about other peoples experiences?Any info or stories would be greatly appreciated.[biggrin]
I am no expert but seeing as though no one else has replied I’ll have a stab. If you can make it into 3 bedrooms go for it. Look up your local council website. Ours has heaps of information. In my area you need to get council approval if the work that you propose to do involves the load bearing walls or if you are changing the size of doors or windows.
Check first with council before you do anything.Only stupid people don’t ask questions
Creating an extra bedroom is a great way to add value to a house – provided the living areas aren’t too compromised. And provided the new bedroom isn’t too pokey.
If you’re just putting in a stud wall and a doorway, the council won’t have problem.
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