All Topics / Finance / 110% or more finance. How??

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  • Profile photo of HappyHomesHappyHomes
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 34

    Just read an article in API mag about a couple that access enough finance to fully fund all costs on their investment properties. This ranges from 100% up to 140%. the only thing I could glean from the info on how they do this is it says they “increase their line of credit” to do so. Does anyone know what they would be doing to get this??
    I am particulary keen to learn how to access more than 100% to fund some flips, so there’s no need for money down!

    HappyHomes | HappyHomes
    Email Me

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024

    You won’t find a lender lend you more than 105% unless you have equity in another property.

    Some lenders will go upto 106% for Owner occupied purchases but this still incurs establishment costs etc and will eat away the additional borrowing.

    If equity is not available then try and negotiate that the Vendor leaves some money in the deal and you can fund the rest i.e 80/20 or 90/10.

    Richard Taylor
    Residential & Commercial Finance Broker
    **NODOC loans from 6.89%**
    Licensed Financial Planner
    Ph: 07-3720 1888

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Misty1Misty1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 348

    Cool suggestion![suave]

    Profile photo of firstpermanentfirstpermanent
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    First Permanent Financial Services offers up to 106% lending for both owner occupiers and investors. 106% is the maximum LVR based on the lower of valuation/purchase price and after fees/stamp duty etc have been capitalised. Cross-collateralising is not required, no additional equity needed.

    Personally, I am not aware of any other lenders lending above 104% without using additional security.

    Jacqueline Moysey
    Relationship Manager
    First Permanent Financial Services

    Any views or opinions expressed in this message are those of the author.

    First Permanent Financial Services shall not be liable in anyway whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from the reading of this message or the use of information contained in this message.

    Profile photo of Stuart MilneStuart Milne
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 196

    I know of one who will do 105% but the rates are rude! Then again not really when one considers the fact the are fronting with more than the value of the property.

    I would think to access 140% one would be needing to cross collateralise.

    Stuart Milne
    Non-Conforming Specialist
    READY Mortgages
    Mob: 0404 056 055

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