All Topics / Legal & Accounting / WA Accountants – specialising in property

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  • Profile photo of wacentaurwacentaur
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 5

    Hi guys

    hope any of you that have been lucky enough to find a good

    accountant ,that specialises in property and trusts, are willing to share their details.

    Also if anyone has stories of those professionals that seem to know less than us laymen lets here it


    Profile photo of jvolekjvolek
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 2

    Hi wacentaur

    To be honest we are in the same boat. As early stage property investors I have chatted to a few aco<edited>ants but they all seem to know less than we do. Either that or they are not prepared to go the hard yards.

    However, following on from some of the earlier forums on structuring I’m thinking of looking into Chan and Naylor, who are Sydney based. These guys are happy to work across Australia. They also wrote the recent book “How to Legally Reduce your Tax”. As with all these things however I would recommend doing your due diligence before locking into them.

    They have a seminar coming up in May inPerth – so it might pay to attend that 1st and then decide if you would like them to work with you. The info for their seminar can be found at the

    Best of luck


    Jennie Volek

    Profile photo of Chris.R_WA

    I was watching this post with interest hoping to see some more replies.
    Surely there must be more investors in WA that are at least resonably happy with their accountants.
    I kind of “inherited” mine from my parents, and he is much more interested in reducing my taxable income than discussing PI. Not that there is anything wrong with this, it would just be good to have a more balanced and informed opinion on the property side of things.

    So, any property-focused accountants out West on this forum??

    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544

    Hi folks,

    I am just entering into a professional relationship with a new accountant.

    From our early discussions it would seem that he has a very good knowledge of property and trusts (inc HDTs) and he is based in WA.

    A little early to be more definite but I will let you know when I am more certain.

    0409 882 958
    Skype – derekjones2113

    Profile photo of Chris.R_WA

    Thanks Derek,

    It will be good to hear how you go. Please PM me if they are the real deal and I will send my business their way.

    Im still actively looking for a clued on accountant![specs]

    Profile photo of flatoutflatout
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    Yep, my husband!

    [thumbsup2] Flatout

    Profile photo of djkm11djkm11
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 13

    Hi guys!

    Try this mob……………………..

    LG Accounting Solutions, Osborne Park

    Llew Eynon is his name and apparently owns 40 odd properties all of which are held in trusts.

    Hope this helps!

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    RMG Accounting at Homebase Wembley are ‘very’ good and pro-property from my discussions/involvement..they are also familiar with many trust structures (depending on what type you want though)

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