All Topics / Value Adding / Past house sales…..

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  • Profile photo of arnie_paul

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone could be of further assistance to me. I have recently brought a house that has been built by a developer in melbourne, and the have developed a whole street of different houses.

    However there is a house that is identical to ours (of this I am certain) and was sold about 8 weeks ago. I would really like to find out how much it sold for as when we brought our house they dropped the house price from $320,000 down to $300,000. We purchased ours on the 31st of March on the day of reduction.

    I am wanting to know how much it sold for to see if the bank would accept a valuation above our purchase price as they reduced it to sell quickly as opposed to a drop in the market. That way we may have some instant equity up our sleve. Is there any way that i can find out this information, any advice would be much appreciated

    Happy investing
    Anya Pindur

    Profile photo of ozi

    Hi Anya,

    Go into a local real estate agents office and tell them you are thinking of selling and would like to get some recent sales data for the area. Give them the address of the property which is identical to yours and they will be able to search for it on the REIA system.
    Normally agents wouldn’t give this information out, but I’m sure most won’t mind if you tell them you are interested in selling.


    Profile photo of AmandaBSAmandaBS
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 549

    For a small fee you can obtain these details from RP Data or There is usually around a 6 week lag though before the data is registered.

    “It is better to be inconspicuously wealthy, than to be ostentatiously poor…”

    Profile photo of Kiwi-FullaKiwi-Fulla
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 371

    If you know hte agents that sold the one identical to yours…. go in and tell then you are thinking of selling and know they sold another one identical to yours! … how mcu hdi d it sell for? and don’t leave until they show you the sales contract.

    Profile photo of arnie_paul

    Thanks for all your replies guys. will talk to the agents and see how I go. I may also buy the data

    Happy investing

    Profile photo of Rookie DeveloperRookie Developer
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 188

    HI Anya

    I suggest you just call the REA and ask. You don’t need to state you are wishing to sell. I have done this in the past on a house that sold as a private sale and asked what price it sold at.

    They stated that they could not disclose the exact price but provided me with a sell range of only $5000 difference.



    You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are

    Profile photo of Monty666Monty666
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 13

    I searched for threads on this subject a few days ago and came across If your target area is regional NSW I might be worth a look.

    It is primarily another RE website but has a “Sales History” section.
    After selecting a geographical area, you are able to drill down to towns, then streets then street address numbers. At this level it shows property dimensions and sale price going back to 2001.

    Considering it is a free site, I thought the amount of data available was amazing and a good suppliment to other avenues of info. As a novice I would be interested how more experienced investors rate it

    info is sourced from NSW Sales Data © NSW Department of Lands


    Profile photo of ozi

    Hi again,

    Another way to find out recent sales data for an area is to visit the local council! I only found this out the other day. Every council is different, but I was able to view the sales data for the past 12 months for the whole municipality. It cost me $35 but I think its well worth it. I didn’t want to spend all day there writing down 100 pages of sales data, so I just brought along a digital camera and took photos of every single page :) The guy at the counter also told me if I needed ‘older’ sales data for a particular street to ask him as he can check it on the system. I asked how far back he could search. He said “as far back as you want!”.

    One other council I called up had recent sales data (which was free to view), but the data was about 2 years old!

    It doesn’t hurt to ask, you never know what may be available.


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