All Topics / Help Needed! / Young investor- tell tale

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  • Profile photo of wallacewallace
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 4

    Hello all,

    I would be greatful to here how young people got started and where they are currently at witht investing.



    Profile photo of flashflash
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 140

    Do a search on Stiil In School.
    He’s a great investor for someone still in thier early 20’s,not only in property but in shares as well.
    He’s got the right mindset to make it big

    Profile photo of Chris.R_WAChris.R_WA
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 24

    Hi Wallace,

    We may not be up to the level of Still in School, but my partner and I are both in our early 20’s.
    In terms of investing, despite the fact that both of us had a very keen desire to invest (particularly in property, but we have a modest share portfolio as well) at an early age, the best thing we decided to do IMHO was invest in ourselves first.
    My partner completed a 3yr uni degree straight out of school (paid for upfront by working part-time=no HECS debt), while I recently completed a 4yr degree (only small debt left on that one). We both came out of uni into a great job market on very attractive salaries and continued to live like poor students for a yr while saving bulk. All our mates were still failing around at uni having a good time, so it was no big issue for us to bring a 4L wine cask to dinner[laughing] instead of diverting from the budget.

    We were able to save quite quickly for a 1st home deposit (helped by 7K FHBG, and a guarantee from Dad on a 95%LVR). Settled on the property late last year – 947sqm zoned R40, 10km from CBD.
    Just working really hard at paying as much cash as we can into the offset account now so we can subdivide and develop in 8 months. We figured it was best to at least jump on the Perth elevator while its still got a few more floors to up!! Though our short term investment strategy doesnt rely on CG at all, 10%pa would be a nice bonus.

    Wow, that was pretty long winded. Hope to hear some other exciting semi-life stories in return!!

    Best Wishes


    Profile photo of YoungInvestor

    True dat. SIS has been around for ages… wouldn’t mind a progress update from him!! [evo]

    As for me, im 22 – Own 1 ip, now got enough deposit for number 2 and looking every day :)

    As for how i started, save save save!! I saved about two thirds of my pay whilst in the last 2 years of uni working in a call centre, and managed around 40k.

    My short term goal is to have another 2 IP’s by the end of the year, so that’s the focus for now.

    My medium term goal is to have a net worth of $1M by age 28, but I think i’ll change to something more challenging soon. [strum]

    I also have shares to the value of around 10k, but looking to get out as soon as I can avoid CGT – (something about gold, property and shares all rising at once sets off alarm bells for me [upsidedown])

    I earn good money for a 22 y.o as a Business Banker with NAB, and thanks to my job, I have a lot of handy people at my disposal. eg:

    – Solicitors
    – Residential and Commercial Valuers (Buy a coffee every now and then = free valuation [specool])
    – Tradespeople
    – Developers
    – Wealth management specialists
    – Mortgage brokers
    – Real Estate Agents etc etc etc etc

    I didn’t have these guys when I purchased the first IP, but they’ll be a good source of advice from here on in :)

    There’s obviously a lot more detail on how I started in property than what I have just mentioned, so please feel free to ask me any questions you like.


    ps: I’m in South East Melb if you’re wondering.

    Profile photo of cadan
    Originally posted by YoungInvestor:

    True dat. SIS has been around for ages… wouldn’t mind a progress update from him!! [evo]

    As for me, im 22 – Own 1 ip, now got enough deposit for number 2 and looking every day :)

    As for how i started, save save save!! I saved about two thirds of my pay whilst in the last 2 years of uni working in a call centre, and managed around 40k.

    My short term goal is to have another 2 IP’s by the end of the year, so that’s the focus for now.

    My medium term goal is to have a net worth of $1M by age 28, but I think i’ll change to something more challenging soon. [strum]

    I also have shares to the value of around 10k, but looking to get out as soon as I can avoid CGT – (something about gold, property and shares all rising at once sets off alarm bells for me [upsidedown])

    I earn good money for a 22 y.o as a Business Banker with NAB, and thanks to my job, I have a lot of handy people at my disposal. eg:

    – Solicitors
    – Residential and Commercial Valuers (Buy a coffee every now and then = free valuation [specool])
    – Tradespeople
    – Developers
    – Wealth management specialists
    – Mortgage brokers
    – Real Estate Agents etc etc etc etc

    I didn’t have these guys when I purchased the first IP, but they’ll be a good source of advice from here on in :)

    There’s obviously a lot more detail on how I started in property than what I have just mentioned, so please feel free to ask me any questions you like.


    ps: I’m in South East Melb if you’re wondering.

    Hi Steve

    An interesting post. I am hoping your right but a net worth of $1m by time your 28 (6 years) seems optimistic. You mention you own an investment property but it seems as though your net worth is only 50k (am I missing something?). I am assuming that your hoping for a large capital growth, but still $1m is a way to go. Don’t get me wrong, I am not having a go at you, just wondering about the figures.

    BTW, I am 30 and in Melb south east suburbs as well.

    Profile photo of Carl.Alexander

    I’m 21 And got in on the Perth boom with 1 IP close to the city. Currently have approval for second property but put in a couple of offers with no luck so hopefully this Saturday might be my lucky day.

    Want to be a net Millionaire by 27/28 and also learning about investing in shares and forex as we speak.

    My current goals are to get this second place within a week or two and then invest in brisbane later on this year which in my opinion is quite undervalued. Also when i have some serious cash back-up i want to develop and quite my day job.[biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]

    Profile photo of Property Passion

    hey all im 26 and my first IP was a house that i paid $105k for at the age of 18, then purchased another at the age of 21 fokr $205k.
    Got married and at the age of 24 purchased another house for $320k (this one was a JV with my sister)

    This year i plan to get some develping done of a 3 bedroom unit (very slow process!) and onto biger and better things in the near future i hoe [biggrin]

    “It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”

    Aspiring property developer

    Giulio Taranto

    Profile photo of TimCTimC
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 26

    G’day guys

    Well I thought I was young til i read some of the other replies!!! I am 24 and have had 2 IPs for a couple of years now. My wife and I are currently in the process of selling one of them to free up some cash flow to help me not freak out too much as we embark on our 1st 3 unit build when we knock down our other IP. Building should start later this year sometime if all goes well with the sale of the other place.

    Simply we both have reasonably well paid jobs by SA standards and I guess our main sacrifices to date have been to rent a smallish 3 bedroom unit to free up money to fund our investment ideas. I would say the main reason we got started is that we have a passion for property, we love spending days going to display homes, open inspections etc just to look at whats going on in different areas and see what other people are doing. You can have all the money in the world for a deposit but if you don’t have the passion I doubt you will get very far.



    Profile photo of medylmedyl
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    hi all,
    Dylan 22 adelaide,

    started reading books and 1 leads to another and then youve got some info and get going!

    bought first property last year PPOR then started to get good at budgeting and started some good savings. kept reading good books and then bought some land (at a good price) and having a house built at the moment. then sell straight away using steve mcknights multiplication by division practice.

    *property passion* be careful with that debt level-although you probably have some equity large debt = greater risk.[/size=2]

    Profile photo of Property Passion
    Originally posted by medyl:

    hi all,
    Dylan 22 adelaide,

    started reading books and 1 leads to another and then youve got some info and get going!

    bought first property last year PPOR then started to get good at budgeting and started some good savings. kept reading good books and then bought some land (at a good price) and having a house built at the moment. then sell straight away using steve mcknights multiplication by division practice.

    *property passion* be careful with that debt level-although you probably have some equity large debt = greater risk.[/size=2]

    my first house is fully paid, my ppor is half paid andthe JV investment only ha a small dent in it. The build will cost me 150k. Total debt is 410 k after the build. You consider this to be too much ?

    “It’s not how much money you make, It’s how you spend it that matters.”

    Aspiring property developer

    Giulio Taranto

    Profile photo of YoungInvestor

    Totally legit question cadan [hair2]

    I should probably explain that I have a couple of other things working in my favour…

    1. I still live at home and as such manage to save around 2/3 of my after tax income

    2. I have been investing a bit (a lot) in IPO’s over the last 6 months which has netted me way more than it should have [suave2] (not that i’m complaining). After quadroupling my money on an IPO 2 weeks ago i’ve decided to move away from shares and take my “winnings” for the next house deposit.

    3. I have saved around another 15k over the last 6 months since finishing uni (including a good xmas bonus)…all together my equity is around 100k at the moment.

    4. I “estimate” that my income will compound around 10-15% p.a (quite conservative) until im 28, so that will help [evo]

    5. I have a lot of support from the bank in terms of ongoing finance, so that helps too. They know my plan, and im starting to develop good networks. [cigar].

    6. I have a kick ass agent who charges very modest fees for a well above average service. I generally get to see props before they come on the market since I bought my first IP through him and he knows im a genuine buyer.

    7. There’s going to be another significant property boom when i’m 26 which will last for about a year. (yes… i do have a crystal ball[mellow])

    8. I LOVE to learn from my mistakes and be proven wrong. Hopefully I only make small mistakes, and make them fast!

    So anyway, whilst im only at around 10% of my goal, I know i’m going to make it.

    The hardest thing was actually buying the first one… I ended up getting a great deal on my first IP, but it would have been worth a few thousand extra just to get me to take the first step!!

    If I was going to give advice for young people starting in IP’s (wow, I sound like an expert and I only have one [blush2]) it would be the following:

    1. Save your ass off (could write a post on this alone)
    2. Read every property book you can find.
    2. Look at properties advertised, and embrace your excitement about the idea! Do this whilst you’re saving (keeps you motivated).
    3. Go see sh*tloads of props on weekends etc and compare them to each other in terms of cost for benefit.
    4. Once you have your deposit, find the best deal you can in a relative amount of time and GO FOR IT!

    I always wondered why people said “It was so much easier after the first one”, but now im saying it!! [cowboy2]

    Good luck!

    “Knowledge is Power”

    Profile photo of robfrostrobfrost
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3


    Bought 1st place, 2br unit in Keswick, in Sept 05. Looking to buy 2nd place between now and Xmas (probably another unit 4-5kms around the city) and 3rd place (hopefully an actual house) sometime in the 1st half of next year if everything goes to plan.

    Also looking at Shares, but not an easy concept to get my head around. Really need to budget better and save more, that’s where our weakness is at the moment.

    Currently reading Michael Yardney’s new book, have read Jenman’s ‘Don’t Sign Anything’ and ‘Real Estate Mistakes’ and plan to read Steve McKnight’s books as well as any others I find recommended on this site.

    It’s great to read the stories and advice posted by other people who have done what we are planning to do. Hopefully I will have something interesting to share when we get our next property [suave2]

    Profile photo of cadan

    Hi YoungInvestor (Steve)

    Ahhh I see, thanks for clearing that up, that makes much more sense. You seem much more mature than your age suggests, most people your age are wasting all their money on cars, lol.

    Profile photo of NATS12NATS12
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 129

    I’m feeling a bit old at 25.

    I bought my first property at 21 and had a tenant for under a year and then did full internal renovation and moved in – my current PPOR. Made over $100k in equity via the reno and natural growth in property at the time.

    Bought my second property at 24 – currently rented and undergoing subdivision.

    Plan to kick the tenants out at the end of their lease and fully renovate the property and construct on the back.

    Don’t have a specific eqity value in mind currently by a certain age. just have a goal to keep on doing what i’m doing because i love property and make money along the way to reture early and comfortably.

    Profile photo of RealEstateQueenRealEstateQueen
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 69

    Hi All,

    Im 20, and i have two properties. Both are in a coastal town great for CG. One is a house, which we used to live in, but is now being rented out +CF thanks to a good purchase price, and the other one is a very negatively geared unit, which will offset a high income.
    I plan on buying four more properties this year, and from then on, i want to acquire at least 6 a year. [lmao]
    Sound optimistic? Good. It should. If thats one thing i can recommend to others, is that you should set your goals impossibly high, so that say for example, i only end up buying 4 or 5 next year, hey thats still a fair accomplishment. What is the point in setting goals that are easy to obtain? There is no challenge in that.
    Here are my tips:[thumbsup2]
    PASSION will go a long way. Everyone in and related to this industry will love you for it and will help you more, because trust me, starting out, you will need all the help you can get!
    EDUCATION you can never learn too much, and you will NEVER learn it all. There have been times (because im young) that i think i do know it all, and then i learn something new and realise that i may be 99 yrs old, and still never know it all.
    GOALS set good goals and put them somewhere you see them every day so you subconsciously make active steps to achieve them. Sounds simple, but it can be quite hard to write them. Read Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich. Classic.[medieval]
    LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES When you are first starting out, dont be afraid to make mistakes. The lucky thing about being young, is that if you do stuff up really bad, and lose everything, hey your young, just start again. I made soooo many mistakes the first time round, and yes i did lose about 30k, but the good thing is, while it was an expensive way to learn, i learnt the hard way, and i will never make those mistakes again.[crying]
    ASK QUESTIONS talk to everybody! [specs]There may be people who seem so unassuming, but who are so knowledgable on the subject. Which moves me onto the next tip:
    Dont assume that that man over there driving that beat up ford, wearing grubby overalls has no money, or is stupid, what on earth is he doing at the auction blah blah, he may just be perfect for your next JV, or may help you in some way! Dont judge people. Ill tell you a story… a friend of mine, went to an open house one day, and there was no one in there but him, he was dressed not daggily, but casual, and the agent hands him a black and white brochure, and says “If your going to buy it, ill give you a colour one”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the?[grrr]
    This friend of mine actually has the capacity to buy this place, but the agent lost out on a sale for sure because he assumed my friend couldnt afford it. he walked out of that door quick smart!
    FIND A GOOD ACCOUNTANT make sure you find a ‘property’ accountant, not a shares accountant. I went to my ex accountant, and asked him how and what sort of structure we could set up for buying lost of CF+ properties, to protect them. I knew we had to do some sort of trust, i just didnt know what. He laughed and said why the hell would you want to buy those? Your just paying more tax! I was like get a clue, i would prefer to be earning money and paying tax, than not earning money and claiming for a loss?! What a moron![laughing]
    Thats all i can think of for now, good luck everyone, i hope to post some good brags in the future when ive done really well.
    P.S. Im quitting my day job at 25 to be a full time property reno-er and developer. Thats my end goal and ill do anything to make it![suave3]

    Profile photo of Carl.Alexander


    Got my second apartment on the weekend. Another 1×1 42sqm Apartment in Wembley(nex to Subiaco).

    Portfolio is now worth around 360k and its all debt

    Profile photo of Benny MBenny M
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 16

    Hi Audrey123,

    Sounds like your well on your way to acheiving your goal. Great Work, you have a great mindset to be successful. Just wondering what age you started investing and how you funded your first deposit (if any).

    Personally, Im 21 and am currently in the process of buying my first property (its taking forever- 8 weeks and counting so far, but doesnt worry me as am saving heaps a week which will be spent on the reno once bought).

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733


    He’s a *switched* on Guy in my books….

    Mybe Jet$ has heard from him..

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

    Profile photo of Carl.Alexander

    Yeah can someone please give us some details to where i can find this book.

    Profile photo of searchersearcher
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 4

    Hi all,I just joined this forum.
    I wonder if someone could help me with my query? It’s not your usual property Q.Any way here goes.
    I am thinking of buying a caravan + fixed annex in a caravan park to rent out (that’s all I can afford)
    Is it something that I can look forward to in terms of equity like dwellings or is it a no go zone in properyt investing?
    Any help is appreciated.

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