All Topics / Heads Up! / Michael Katsis

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  • Profile photo of dsmithdsmith
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 65

    Hi Guys,

    Has anyone heard of Michael Katsis or had any dealings with him? I was sent some stuff on him by Hans Jakobi and apparently he specialises in mail order? (I know all about Hans but not this other guy)

    All comments good or bad are welcome.


    Profile photo of SMASHSMASH
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1


    Did you find anything out about Michael Katsis? Did you deal with him at all?

    I am interested as I also have recieved information from him.

    Cheers Maria
    email directly if you would like
    [email protected]

    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    Have you got a link for this from Hans?

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    Profile photo of anna28anna28
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    i am intersted in finding out about this Michael Katsis as well…. he is in mail order licences and i am not sure if it's a scam or not….anyone dealt with him?

    Profile photo of marieajalljoemarieajalljoe
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    i was sended a letter from michael katsis… around feburary this year..there was a contract paper inside… i sign and agreed to received that parcel with stuff on it  that can help you start your own business which cost me $1500.00 australian mani …i used my visa card…. on t contract paper there was this quarantee that i will receive it within 10 days… 10 days become a months and it is nearli a year now…… i called him and he anwered the phone saying he'll call back…. up until now i havent receive anything….but this michael katsis has already withdraw the money from my visa card……. am going to play with fraud now…so to all of you who are interested in him dont be a dick like….BE CAREFULL….. am from experience….. i'll post more if anyone need more info……..

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