All Topics / Creative Investing / Converting semi-detached houses into 2 titles
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know anything about converting 2 semi-detached houses, currently on one title, into two separate titles. Would it be easier to make them community titles ?
BenYou’ll need to telephone the local council and speak to a town planner and ask him what are the rules for splitting it into 2 titles.
G’day Nathan,
You’d normally split the semi-detatched property into two titles to sell them separately. Generally you will make more money from selling two properties rather than a pair of semi-detatched. Also, at the time of subdividing one should try to assign land to both the titles and minimise any common areas.
Sanjiv“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.†– Nelson Mandela
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