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All Topics / Heads Up! / property services??
I was wondering if anyone had used Mcleod property services to buy an IP before? they appear to offer the the lot, IP Lawyers, Quantity surveyors, property managers, accountants.
This will be my first IP and I plan to use the equity in my house as a deposit.
I was just wondering if using then is a better way to go?
Feddo [exhappy]
Hi Feddo,
I don’t know anything about Mcleod property servcies and they might be legitimate but I am very skeptical about any service that offers to do everything for you.
The danger is that everyone can work together and conspire to rip you off. No-one is independant in this scenario so it can be very risky. This sort of thing was happening a lot in QLD about 3 years ago. If you enter into this sort of deal, your due diligence has to be 100%.
Todd Burns
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