All Topics / Help Needed! / Busselton WA

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  • Profile photo of kerrcorpkerrcorp
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 15

    Hi all,
    I would like to purchase something in the south west of WA. After combing through everything I cant help but think Busselton looks quite cheap as compared to both Dunsborough and Bunbury.

    …however, it also appears to have has some very good growth already. So is it still a good buy for capital growth ? – Any opinions from anyone experienced in the market down there would be great.


    Profile photo of trumpytrumpy
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Michelle

    Busselton is a popular place in WA and a great tourist destination. The WA gov. are currently building a rail link to Mandurah which is halfway between Busselton and Perth. They are also building a new highway from Perth to Bunbury soon so the access to Perth from there will be enhanced considerably. Putting this together with all the hype about people wanting a ‘seachange’ and it is possibly a promising prospect for growth in the near future.


    Profile photo of MTRMTR
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 663

    Hi Michelle,
    Busselton population is approaching the level of a significant regional town.
    According to Hegney Outlook Report for 2006 – growth over next 12 months is estimated at 10%-15%.
    If you are looking for capital growth focus on West Busselton.

    You also mentioned that Busselton is cheaper than Bunbury, I would disagree with that statement.


    (Hard work never killed anyone, buy hey why take a chance)

    Profile photo of Property WA

    Hi kerrcorp,

    There is definately alot going on down south at the moment – especially in and around Busselton.

    I guess I’m a bit bias when it comes to SW as I was born in Bunbury and we are currently undertaking Stage 3 of a resort / apartment development in Busselton.

    The area has experienced a wonderful level of growth over the past 5 years and whether that is sustainable will depend a fair amount on where tourism heads over the next few years and also what infrastructure is put in place to ease seasonal fluctuations.

    From the level of enquries Ive seen there is still a fair amount of interest in Busselton – we had an RE agent promoting Stage 3 off the plan at a WA convention over the weekend and he took something like 40 enquiries and had half a dozen people sign EOI.

    This is of course in no way a recommendation to or not to invest in the area.

    Profile photo of asdfasdf
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 139

    Wheres Busselton??

    Profile photo of Property WA

    Hi again asdf,

    Busselton is in the South-West region of WA and is about 3 hours (on a good run) from Perth and an hour and a bit out of Bunbury.

    The below will give you a bit of an insight.

    Profile photo of AUSPROPAUSPROP
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 953

    you must dilly dally PropertyWA – I can do Subiaco to Dunsborough in 2 hrs 40m and that includes a leg stretch on the way :)
    If I lived in somewhere like Atwell that would be 20 or 30 minutes less again.

    important to note that these times will come back a bit with the freeway extension to Bunbury. The north will also be opened up, so places like Yanchep and Lancelin will be a shorter travelling time as well.


    Profile photo of Property WA

    Hi Ausprop,

    I must admit I do take the scenic route and I guess I tend to stop in a Bunbury alot of the time – so its probably more like 2hrs 40 for me.

    Get a bit light on the xlr8er when I see those ‘kangaroo’ signs.

    Even if it is a slow drive its a nice place in the world like our South-West.

    Profile photo of flatoutflatout
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    I don’t think you could go wrong anywhere in that south west coastal corridor. The seachange phenomenom looks like its here to stay and this region has plenty to offer. Smarter people than me are predicting strong CG’s of 15-20% over the next 12-18 months at least so the question IMHO is really which towns/suburbs will get the most CG??? Will you be complaining if you “only” get 15%!


    Profile photo of Liza OngLiza Ong
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 1

    hi michelle

    i’m from perth and i used to work in banking where customers were buying investment properties. i think you’re right, busselton has a good growth prospect and is more affordable than mandurah/dunsborough. good luck

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