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  • Profile photo of js2

    I would like some feedback from a couple of people who would like to trial my new ‘Developers Calculator’. This will be available at once the fine tuning is done!

    To do the trial I want someone who is familiar with doing the numbers to developer scenarios and confident at checking your numbers, Cash on Cash Returns etc.

    It goes into buying a block of land and doing a sub-division and building on the back or two new developments completely after knocking down the existing house. And or any kind of combination you can think if to do with that type of residential development.

    It’s taken about three weeks to make and is the most advanced calculator I have done yet. It has been a bit of an eye opener for me to see the figures and learn the costs involved along the way.

    I just really want to make sure the numbers are calculated correctly, before it is available for people to use in the main stream. So a couple of experienced math whizzes or developers who can easily check this over would be good, to get a second opinion.

    Just send an email to or put an email addy in here and I will get in touch with you and give you a copy of the package!

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    Profile photo of MichaelYardneyMichaelYardney
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 616

    We do those calculations every day in our office.

    Please send me a copy to and I would be happy to give you some feedback.

    Currently we use Feastudy and some spreadsheets developed inhouse.

    Of course the programs are only as good as the data you input and the assumptions you make.

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of js2

    Thankyou Michael.

    I have emailed you the zip file package.

    Interested in Joint Venture Reno Projects

    Profile photo of redwing

    Great work Jaffasoft, If its as good as your other calculator I’m sure you’ll have people lined up to use it..IMHO You cant do much better than have Michael Review it as well


    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of js2

    Yeah, I was wrapped Michael approached.

    I was psychic, I was hoping he would, then the next day there he was.

    Interested in Joint Venture Reno Projects

    Profile photo of js2

    Might be easier to look at this online anyone wanting to check the numbers over.

    Cash on Cash return is something that stands out?

    Interested in Joint Venture Reno Projects

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi jaffasoft
    will have a look and give you feed back on it
    will have to wait until the end of next week.
    as I got a bit on as you know.
    I have save to desk top

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    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi jaffa
    the screen is to big and can’t cut down the size nor can I get a programme that when I down load it open it again so had to do it off the web site.
    it doesn’t let me change any values so I cant see if the formulas are right
    I can clear all fields but you maybe able to tell me how I read the whole page do it for a 14 inch and the laptop will be fine.
    will have a bit more of a play

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    Profile photo of AUSPROPAUSPROP
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 953

    Just a few initial thoughts…

    – you will need a section for gST reclaimed and gST out

    – you will need more fileds for development costs

    – not sure I would start with rent as step 1 as that is not really related to a development… more of a secondary consideration when considering whether to retain. IMO step 3 should be step 1

    – why are there 2 fields for building quotes? requires just 1 for total build quote or several to accommodate a number of buildings

    – PM tends to be higher than 10%, so need to be able to go higher

    – step 2 needs to feed into step 3 as a capitalised cost i.e. you won’t be servicing a development loan

    Looks good tho. Question… what will it offer over and above the other off the shelf programs?


    Profile photo of js2

    Grossreaslization – I had the setting to 100% for the width this stopped any scrollbars appearing at the bottom of the web page I now set it to have scrollbars so give me a report back, you should now least be able to see and read things (I hope). The file you got from me that people viewing in this thread probably have not got is a WinZip file you need to download and install this to open Zip files it is pretty common almost 95% of people with a PC have WinZip it’s at

    AUSPROP – Can you tell me the names of more development fields I am running out of room flash has a limit of 2880 height and I have used all that but can double up on what’s in the by putting another up till ten more fields next to the ones already in there.

    That rent in step on – that is for if renting an old house for 12 months or whatever before you knock it down and build the two new ones or one new one?

    I put two quote area’s in there because I thought what happens if you get in a situation when one company builds one house and one builds another maybe ones smaller and different quote. But it does not matter because thinking outside the square all you need to do is put your total quote in the one and leave the second blank it will calculate it thru.

    PM? Do you mean Property managers Commission? This can be input any amount from 0-999%. Or did you mean the text should be different then 7%-10%?

    Question… what will it offer over and above the other off the shelf programs?

    I haven’t used any other programs for development costs I did all this off my head and from listening to Martin Iyles is about my only insight pretty much was inspired by him. What suggestions can you make I may or may not be able to do it. This is only a web page a true program to me really is a program made that is installed on your PC like a WinZip.

    Won’t be servicing a development loan – Can you explain more – why do you not have to service a development loan? If you take out a development loan are you not supposed to pay it weekly or monthly while the development is being built?

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    Profile photo of BattleshipsBattleships
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 63

    Hi Jaffasoft

    I know it was mentioned previously- however the most significant omission I think is the GST in and out-it is a make or break item- some of the others are costs etc but not critical.

    Profile photo of js2

    Thanks for your feedback so far.

    I’m looking at changing and or adding some of the things suggested where possible.

    It’s been nearly 21 days since I posted this…quiet a few people emailed me for this…..I sent out the trial and received different odd opinions and a few dozen looked at it online; 82 people according to the stat’s.

    In relation to the maths I was concerned about!
    No-one has found the math error yet!

    I will not tell you where it is. So anyone that still likes a challenge I will leave this open for you to try finding. The trial runs out 31 of March/06.

    I will give you a hint – The example should come to considerably more profit. Can you determine where the error is coming from? And why it’s happening?

    If those that have tried it and couldn’t find any you will probably kick yourself when you see it :).

    I just new there was something wrong somewhere in the maths, it just didn’t stack up right for me, tonight I finally got a good chance and sat down and done it all on paper and found where it was.

    Interested in Joint Venture Reno Projects

    Profile photo of redwing

    I’ve had a Play with it Jaffasoft, but haven’t had a chance to enter a complete transaction..

    Ausprop, Michael Yardney and Gross Realisation..being the resident Developers should be able to iron out any wrinkles for you..

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
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    Profile photo of js2

    Alright Redwing,

    Gross Realisation. I think is away for a week or two so was a bad time to strike him.

    The developer costs would be a start that I can immediately change I can add about 10 more ‘Development Costs’ to add to the ones already in there, so can you add to this list the most important and most common. I can only put in a limit of ten more in Step 3).

    Here’s what we have in there so far:
    Development Application
    Demolition of house
    Other// this is for people to edit what they want
    Other// this is for people to edit what they want

    Interested in Joint Venture Reno Projects

    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi jaffasoft
    as arnie would say I’m back and yes am a little busy but will have alook got two deals going thru lending at the moment so will have a bit of a look over the next could of days and didn’t get the winzip file but do have win zip to unzip files.
    I would design it for a 12 inch screen rarther then a 14 as its wasn’t much room to move but will have a look again.
    will come back to you here.

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    Profile photo of grossrealisation

    hi jaffasoft
    send it again to me at thanks

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    Profile photo of MooseheadMoosehead
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 42

    Hi all… my first post after reading both steve’s books and michael’s in the last 3 weeks :D

    Can anyone give a run down on the available off the shelf develoment calculators… features, cost etc?

    Profile photo of redwing

    Hey Gross , Ausprop and Michael how did you go with Jaffasofts Calculator???

    “Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
    Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow Calculator

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