All Topics / Heads Up! / Brisbane investing group interest?

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  • Profile photo of HoBe

    Hi guys – and especially hi to all who were at Masterclass in Brisbane yesterday!

    I so enjoyed it, and am still feeling really revved –

    Several folk I talked to yesterday at the Masterclass were interested in forming a Brisbane property investing group. …. so I thought I’d post a feeler to see who is interested in pursuing this and let’s get something happening!

    please email me at with your thoughts. I’ll wait until the end of the week, and then get back with the status and we’ll take it from there.

    many thanks and all the best,
    Mary-Rose Hoja


    Profile photo of adambc

    Hi Mary-Rose,

    It’s great to hear that you’re so excited after the Masterclass yesterday – best of luck in the coming weeks and months putting it all into practice!

    Regarding an investor group in Brisbane – you may not be aware, but there already is one. It’s called the Better Investing Group (BIG), and it meets on the last Tuesday evening of each month down in Salisbury (southern Brisbane). The website is so you can check it out. Unfortunately their timings don’t suit me as I have to work every Tue evening [thumbsdownanim

    If BIG’s timings don’t suit you either, please get in touch! Because I would LOVE to be involved in an investing group like this!

    Kind regards,


    Oasis Finance
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    Profile photo of HoBe

    Thanks so much for that Adam, I really appreciate the tip.

    I’ll go along tomorrow and have a look-see – I’ll get back soon on this!

    All the best,


    Profile photo of JarrahJarrah
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 99

    Hi there HoBe! i also attended yesterday and am very interested in being part of a group!

    Hope to hear soon about progress, Jarrah

    Profile photo of adambc

    Hi again guys. Best of luck at the meeting tomorrow. I hope it goes really well for you.

    As I mentioned, unfortunately Tue evenings don’t work for me, so I’ll just have to experience the meetings vicariously through others for the moment!



    Oasis Finance
    for your Vendor Finance solutions
    Achieve the Dream!

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