All Topics / Help Needed! / Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals”

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  • Profile photo of millybmillyb
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    hi there! speaking of deals – I have discovered a group called Property Investor Solutions. they email out awesome deals direct from developers to their private database. some stock is up to 30% below valuation with great yields. if you email them you can sign up to receive the deals free of charge –
    happy hunting!

    Profile photo of Michael 888Michael 888
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 260
    millyb wrote:
    hi there! speaking of deals – I have discovered a group called Property Investor Solutions. they email out awesome deals direct from developers to their private database. some stock is up to 30% below valuation with great yields. if you email them you can sign up to receive the deals free of charge –
    happy hunting!

    How about contributing more to the forum before you spruik. Two posts, and both directing forum members to these ripper deals

    Profile photo of fatboy1730fatboy1730
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 15
    hawthorn wrote:
    I 100% agree with fatboy i'm an investor from canberra i own 3 properties in canberra and 1 in nsw i went to morwell 2 weeks a go as its an area i've been studying for about 3 months i was amazed at how strongly positive cash flow property was there so impressed that i bought 3 properties with my brother it has cost us $348,000 total for all 3 properties and combined rent of $500 with long term tennants 2 of which wanted to extend for  a further 2 years which means that even if  we borrowed 100% plus property management fees and rates etc we will still make $260 each per year.  But the main reason i purchased there is because it is listed as a real boom area with a lot of infastructure coming to the area and the new road links to Melbourne its an easy hour and 15mins drive along the highway on the new stretch of road.  Housing is very affordable and not only is it a boom area but the property pays for itself without contributing a cent.  I love property and research it everyday and from the research i've done there is no better place in australia to invest.  My favourite saying is BE GREEDY WHEN PEOPLE ARE FEARFULL AND FEARFULL WHEN PEOPLE ARE GREEDY as we seem to be a country of followers not leaders don't miss the boat cause when everyone starts jumping on board your returns won't be as strong as you will have more competition which pushes prices up which pushes interest rates up etc there is no better time than now to invest in property. 

    Hope you picked up the free building sites that go with most houses in the town. Together with friends of ours we own 5 properties and are quitely subdividing each for future development and more cashflow.

    Profile photo of gmartin10gmartin10
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 3

    [Edited. Advertising.]

    Profile photo of bek_leighbek_leigh
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 20

    Hi  All

    I'm concidering putting a CF+ property on the market.  $399,000 with a weekly rent of $760 in a town that's been listing on Hotspotting as one of the top 10 national boom towns. Do you think that's the type of return people are after?  Any idea on where to advertise to target investors who want to positively gear?


    Profile photo of Positive Results

    Hi Bek,

    If you believe your property price is fair market value and the rent of $760 per week is correct market value as well then you might find a private buyer on here.  I also would be happy to look at the deal to see if it matches what one of our investors may consider.

    Positive Results | Educating Property Investors / We Find Houses
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    Helping You To Invest With A Purpose To Finish With Successful Results

    Profile photo of eldredni

    I have found a CF+ property off the shelf,  I have run out of Equity, with several properties under my belt. Especially now that lenders are making it harder to borrow. The property is around the $400k mark.

    Profile photo of eldredni
    rejectedworm wrote:
    Is there Any CF+ properties availble in Vic

    I have CF+ property looking to sell, if interested I can send you some details, if you send me your email to

    Profile photo of eldredni
    bek_leigh wrote:
    Hi  All

    I'm concidering putting a CF+ property on the market.  $399,000 with a weekly rent of $760 in a town that's been listing on Hotspotting as one of the top 10 national boom towns. Do you think that's the type of return people are after?  Any idea on where to advertise to target investors who want to positively gear?


    I have CF+ property looking to sell, if interested I can send you some details, if you send me your email to

    Profile photo of BossdogBossdog
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 15

    Send me the details if you like and we would love to have a look at it.

    Profile photo of TupurakiTupuraki
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    send me the details i will have a look too

    Profile photo of marshy05marshy05
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2

    Hey, thanks for the advice! Its much appreciated! The more I read about the possibilities and 'how to' the more confident I get about actually doing this and being successful at owning my first (and multiple) investment properties! Clearly I have more reading and research to do first!

    Profile photo of FergsFergs
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 7

    Hi Im new to investing and want to know is there a way to find the properties that are for sale by the owner rather than the RA and any good resources or websites you might recommend?

    Also an unrelated question I have $30K (not including govern grants) and wanted to know how much of a deposit I should have for an I.P around $220K ?

    Many thanks

    Profile photo of Positive Results

    Hi Fergs,  here are a few to help you along;;;;;;;

    Domain also allows for private sellers to upload to their site.

    There is a book called saving tax on your investment property which is vital reading, and also an easy read. 

    If you are talking about government grants, are you seeking an investment property or your own home? 
    I can arrange for a free financial health check, you can fund up to 95% however this really depends on your individual circumstances.  In this climate it is vital to arrange pre approval so you are not frustrated by the extended period being taken by the banks for processing your application.

    I hope this help.
    Kind regards

    Positive Results | Educating Property Investors / We Find Houses
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Helping You To Invest With A Purpose To Finish With Successful Results

    Profile photo of djs

    5 years registered… 1 year actively scouring through forums sponging all your information.
    4 years sitting on the fence waiting… waiting… waiting for what ??? I don't know ??? But banks can be cruel…
    Now I'm energised, 1st CF+ under my belt and ready to contribute…

    What a forum and still so many nay-sayers !!!

    I've been a self employed contractor for 8 years…

    I was renting on the Sunshine Coast, unable to get finance for a 3brm townhouse with ocean views for $112,000 YES…
    Only to see the same prop relisted 18 mths later for $354,000 !!!

    I experienced first hand the mean price grow from $90,000 to $350,000 within 18 mths and totally missed the boat !!!

    Well… finally we have relocated back to Melbourne where a brand new 4brm home is rented for $280pw, rather than a $400 3brm dump in Maroochydore…

    Work is busier, rates are much higher, the general cost of living is drastically lower… therefor the bank manager is finally our friend

    And the best part is… after 2 weeks of scouring the internet I have found dozens of CF+ oppurtunities.

    The first was a 4 bdrm in the nth west listed for only $40,000 in a town where the mean price is $120,000 and rental returns are average on those. We found it late Friday night and thought, to be considerate we'd enquire at 9am Monday morning… Everything's closed on the weekend in the country. It was sold to the first caller late Friday night !!! The lucky owner might be reading this post right now ???

    The following week we found our next opportunity, listed for $48,000 and rented for $110… small town but very well serviced and within coo-ee of major regional centers… We rudely disturbed the agent late Friday night and put in a offer… He called back the next morning and said yes to $40,000 !!! We got straight in the car and drove out there to have a few in the local pub with the agent and get to know the locals… What a great little place… Now we're assessing several others that havn't been advertised…

    Browsing through the internet sites, we have found many others that have potential for knock down and build 4×2 bdrm's rented at $220 each and depreciated that would reap great CF+ over many years… But those are many away for us…
    BUT there are heaps out there !!!

    Many, many, many others that are currently returning 8%… with a coat of paint, afew ceiling fans, security screen doors and fly wire screens ??? Why couldn't the rent be raised in line with other higher priced rentals in the towns ???
    Could it really be that easy to lift an 8% return property to a 10% with $2000, a handyman and a long weekend ???

    I'm only starting very small… It's all I can get right now… BUT on Wednesday we have a meeting with a local big 4 loans consultant who within 2 minutes on the phone said it's not possible for me to get finance in our situation… but after prompting for another 5 minutes he confessed he'd only been with this particular bank for a few months so he'd check with a higher authority and call me back. He called back within 10 minutes with a range of options that may be available… after another 10 minutes he invited me in to go through the paperwork so he can put his strong stamp of approval on it, meaning it's 90% over the line ???

    Wish me luck…

    ADVICE : Before you tie up all your cash in one property, start as small as you can and build your confidence…
                     Hit below the belt with your offers… then walk away if it's not satisfactory (they have your number)
                     Before you can run with the wind at your back, first you may have to crawl up a hill into a cyclone.

    Profile photo of Richard TaylorRichard Taylor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 12,024


    Dont want to be the bearer of bad news but unless you are putting in cash on all of these deals the mortgage insurers will be the ones who stop you not the Banks.

    Both mortgage insurers recatorgorised the whole of the Country over the last couple of weeks and are slowly pulling out of cover on many many small regional towns.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of djs

    I posted my previous comment after reading the first couple of pages of this forum…

    Since reading the last couple of pages I've found many posters have the lost the point of this topic and it's become a community notice board of advertising ???

    I hope this sticky doesn't get removed as there's a lot of positive experiences in here that really comfort the disgruntled potential investor…

    How can we kick out the advertisers…

    If anyone does want a property like Bec's or any of the others… check out the forum for the Bowen Basin elsewhere on this site !!!
    If you are prepared to risk that amount of outlay in a mining town in an economic downturn, go ahead…
    I myself will be watching with baited breath…

    Profile photo of djs
    Qlds007 wrote:

    Dont want to be the bearer of bad news but unless you are putting in cash on all of these deals the mortgage insurers will be the ones who stop you not the Banks.

    Both mortgage insurers recatorgorised the whole of the Country over the last couple of weeks and are slowly pulling out of cover on many many small regional towns.

    Thanks for expanding on this…

    The property I did purchase has since been valued at $65,000 and I paid hard cash for it – $25,000 up…

    The bank has advised that they are still pretty giving, but yes the insurers are a lot stricter. Before with 90% lend and good savings or 85% lend  they could be avoided but currently it's out to 80% !!!

    The situation I'm now in is the title I'll receive at the end of the month I will have to hand over the bank…
    Property against property ???

    I'll now move to another area of the site to find out more on setting up such a thing if want to purchase up to 5 props this year ???

    It has taken 6 years of savings and term deposits to get a realistic amount in the accounts where someone might consider lending to a self employed sub-contractor who's income is reliant on climatic conditions without having to go self certified and paying well above average… or affordable rates.

    Now I do have the cash and an asset to contribute and an understanding consultant at the bank we'll see how far we can go…

    Thanks for the advice, I hope our experience can encourage others.

    ALSO, we are a single income family with 4 dependants under 7 !!! Our non taxable government assistance is not much more than my annual net income, after benefits of cars, equipment and other write offs.

    My point is… that no matter your situation, if you have a savings mentality and are prepared to start with anything rather than the biggest and best… ANYBODY can make money from real estate !!!
    I'm only 29, so there's a lot time for us to ride many more financial waves…

    Profile photo of cynthiacynthia
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    good site .i want to buy a house.        


    Find out how and what determines interest rates and what information lenders use to get to the actual interest rate
    <a href="Interest Rates for Mortgages

    Profile photo of DanielBDanielB
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 33

    Hey guys,

    I have found a property with a house and a unit on the one tittle.  They are asking around 400k for this and the projected rental income would be around $560PW between them.  

    I have a few issues however: 
    -only 10k deposit (and thats if I redraw it out of my first IP loan…)  Although I have around $113k equity from my first IP.
    -I cant decide if I miss this property and sign up to the RESULTS program or buy this property and join results in 2010?

    I purchased my first IP in 2004 that was valued at $250k but I scored it for $240k as it was my nans house.  My parents lent (cough, gifted it too me…)me $50k for a deposit.  The original loan was from GE finance for 192k.  Last year i refinanced to Mystate(a local company), once again I went with a P&I loan.  My current rate is 5.21%.  This loan was for 189k and I currently owe around 179k, so basically I have 10k redraw.  The house was valued at 295k in 2008.  I currently lease this for 285 PW but thats going to go up to 300PW very soon…

    SO…., do I buy the House/unit and even strata tittle them and sell one to reduce debt or do I just go and sign up for the results program?  The property seems to good to miss considering your getting 2 properties for almost the price of one…  The almost non exsistant deposit has me a bit worried too…

    Thanks for your time,


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