All Topics / Value Adding / Building Costs

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  • Profile photo of delboy

    Hi All

    Just a quick one for anyone that have any ideas. We are subdividing a block at the moment and plan to build on it. We have already used up our owner builders option on a previous project.

    Now if we pay a builder it is going to incur extra costs. Is it possible, sorry I know anything is possible. But what are your thoughts on approaching a builder and offering say a profit percentage at the end of the job if we could use his licence number to build it but we would actually manage the process. That we he basically gets paid a fee for not doing very much other than providing his licence.

    Any Thoughts


    Profile photo of MichaelYardney

    Suer anything is possible but why would a builder put his license at risk for you?

    How much do you thinka buidler makes out a project? It shouldn’t be more than 10%.

    Let him make a living and free up your time to find more deals.

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of delboy


    Thanks for your reply. Is that all a builder makes, 10%.

    I thought it was much higher than that , I was thinking 20 – 30%.



    Profile photo of MichaelYardney

    Yes that’s all.

    Not very exciting is it?

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of Harley2Harley2
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 32

    I concur with Michael’s thoughts.
    Why would a builder bother to put his name and reputation at risk in this way?
    Why would you bother to try and do a jo that a tradesman can do so much better and more quickly (I’m making some assumptions here- but if you have not got a licence then ” Why is that so?”)
    However, if you really wanted to do work, why not get the builder to do the things that need to be certified and you do the bits on the side – eg landscaping / painting etc?


    Profile photo of mech_engineer000mech_engineer000
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 4
    Profile photo of JarrahJarrah
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 99

    Hi there Delboy,

    I am no expert but someone I look up to has made me see that if you dont ask for something you wont get it and that life is about relationships… If you really want to do something then just ask either the right person or enough people and you will get the answer you are looking for vis-a-vis building your project…

    I am sure you will find a builder who would be willing to at least point you in the right direction especially considering you have already built before? I work in a related industry and have always found builders to be very helpful in this regard, I know of many instances where average Joe’s have been allowed to build, run wire, pipe etc and have had the builder, electrician, plumber come in and do the liscence requirements…

    As I said i am no expert so only asking a builder will find the answer you are looking for…

    I would assume your funds are limited? this being why you want to do the building? Steve seems to be encouraging project management in the development market indirectly pointing out on this web site that $35k and more can be made from a developed property with only around 20 hours (TOTAL!) of “project management” though this all depends on how much $$$ you can access to do the development (see “Online Shop”, “Development Workshop HOT!”)…

    Who knows, you could end up employing an out of work or disillusioned 3rd or 4th year building apprentice and starting your own building company, I’ve heard of it happening! (In some trades you dont actually need to be qualified to employ the apprentices, trade schools have come a long way, )

    I’d be really interested in hearing about how you go with this, please stay in touch.

    Sincerely, Jarrah. “ask and you will recieve” [biggrin]

    Profile photo of sparky01

    Hey guys, Im very excited as this is my first post.

    I am an electrician from Brisbane and have just finnished a 5 unit development in South Brisbane (only the electrical work) where the owner did what you guys are proposing. I cant quote the figures but the owner paid a builder to use his licence and I must say that it was one of the worst run sites ive ever been to.

    Because the only thing the builder did was supply the licence it became the owners role to organise EVERYTHING and because she wasent very experienced in the finer detials of construction (not saying that you are the same) there were more stuff – ups than you can poke a stick at.

    I guess what im trying to say is that for it to go smothly you need to know what your doing, or employ somone who can mannage the construction for you (especially for larger projects, thats why they have builders licences).

    From a tradesmans perspective i feel 100 x better and confident that everything is where it should be when dealing with an experienced builder who has a general knoledge of what is required of every trade, (sparkys, plumbers, concreters, plasterers etc).

    If you feel confident that you have the experience to mannage a larger project then thats great but if not (from my experience) it has the potential to become a drawn out & expensive project.

    good luck with it and if you do it yourself i would be very interested to see how it pans out. [biggrin]

    regards Dave

    Profile photo of sparky01

    Hey guys, Im very excited as this is my first post.

    I am an electrician from Brisbane and have just finnished a 5 unit development in South Brisbane (only the electrical work) where the owner did what you guys are proposing. I cant quote the figures but the owner paid a builder to use his licence and I must say that it was one of the worst run sites ive ever been to.

    Because the only thing the builder did was supply the licence it became the owners role to organise EVERYTHING and because she wasent very experienced in the finer detials of construction (not saying that you are the same) there were more stuff – ups than you can poke a stick at.

    I guess what im trying to say is that for it to go smothly you need to know what your doing, or employ somone who can mannage the construction for you (especially for larger projects, thats why they have builders licences).

    From a tradesmans perspective i feel 100 x better and confident that everything is where it should be when dealing with an experienced builder who has a general knoledge of what is required of every trade, (sparkys, plumbers, concreters, plasterers etc).

    If you feel confident that you have the experience to mannage a larger project then thats great but if not (from my experience) it has the potential to become a drawn out & expensive project.

    good luck with it and if you do it yourself i would be very interested to see how it pans out. [biggrin]

    regards Dave

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