All Topics / Help Needed! / What are some good investing books?

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  • Profile photo of Sweet

    Hey guys, I was just wondering what are some really good books relating to property investing? Apart from Steve’s books of course [biggrin]

    Profile photo of calvin_thirty4calvin_thirty4
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 556

    try doing a search on the forum! This topic has been covered and re-covered more than once or twice.

    That would be easier than relisting all the valuable books every-one has read.


    Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to always try something one more time.
    – Thomas Edison

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    Profile photo of tonyy21692tonyy21692
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 128

    Hi Sweet

    The book that kicked me into gear many years ago was a little one called “Buying property with OPM’s” by Allan Falkner (?).

    The thing that I noticed between those books from say 20 years ago to now is the current ones often just seem to be marketing tools to onsell other services….. Oh well the world has changed.


    Profile photo of Sweet

    yeh ill give that one a go, cheers

    Profile photo of TracyDTracyD
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 85

    Margaret Lomas – all of her series are good in particular A pocket guide to investing in positive cash flow property….goes through the step by step process..
    you can find more about them on

    Also, the book that changed my thinking many years ago was “what I didnt learn at school but wished I did” by Jamie McIntyre.

    both very motivational ( and aussies which is relevant)


    Profile photo of MichaelYardney

    I will throw in a blatant plug for my book –
    How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Property Portfolio -in your spare time

    It is currently at the printers and will be in book shops in late March but available on line early March.

    Get details and read a free chapter at:

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
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    Profile photo of mapleleafmapleleaf
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 51

    Obviously Steve’s books are great and we use them as our overall guide to investing. Products of his like “The Wealth Guardian” and “Buyer Beware” are also great.

    But the book I loved and the one that really got me connected with the overall approach to life and money was “The Weathy Barber”- a great starter if you haven’t already read it!

    Good Luck

    Achieve the Dream!

    Profile photo of Sweet

    they sound great! ill look them up

    Profile photo of BennyBenny
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,416

    Tonyy mentioned one of my favourites “Buying property with OPM’s” by Allan Falkner (?).

    If you’re trying to find it (often in libraries, but no longer available for sale) you need to know the author’s correct name – it is Alan Falkson – and well worth the effort in trying to find it.

    You were close Tony – I’m sure you don’t mind the correction, as your question mark indicated. One other thing, I think this book was released under 2 different names (the other name was something like “Buying RE on a budget”), so check out everything by Alan Falkson when in the library – it’s probably all good stuff, based on the one I read,


    Profile photo of Luke TaylorLuke Taylor
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 415

    Hey there sweet,

    Any book by Dolf De Roos is worth looking at.
    He has lived in Australia and New Zealand and was one of the very first Aussies who started investing overseas (Including the USA)
    He advises Robert Kiyosaki too!

    We’ve got 70 yrs on planet earth,Lets make the most of every day!

    Luke Taylor | Hope Property Investing
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    Profile photo of manofactionmanofaction
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 80

    I will throw in a plug for a book we recently put online and became one of best sellers in two days! ( that’s becasue we released it only to our subscribers and the response was massive)

    How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Property Portfolio -in your spare time
    by Michael Yardney

    Currently we still have a small number of copies in stock for $33-95 delivered to your door ( ie it includes postage)

    You can find it on our site along with a link to the “introduction” pages of the book.

    PS If you subscribe to our newsletter, you’ll also get a free copy of Michael’s great eBook – Understanding Property Cycles

    Profile photo of PudestconPudestcon
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 64

    I am reading How to Grow a Multi Million Dollar Property Portfolio -in your spare time by Michael Yardney at the moment and must say I’m very impressed with the information and how it is presented. I have read Michael’s posts on this forum and have always found them to be very helpful and informative. Give his book a go; I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. Also, subscribe to his newsletter; it also has a wealth of good quality information.
    I have no affiliation with Michael or his companies in any way. Indeed, he has no idea who I am. Just an average investor who likes the information he presents.



    Profile photo of Don NicolussiDon Nicolussi
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 1,086

    have a read of Frank Lowys biography “pushing the limits” by jill margo – good read with more real life stuff than you could imagine

    Positive Cashflow NZ Property Deals.Email to receive current deals & Free New Zealand Information Sheet DLPP@XTRA.CO.NZ

    Don Nicolussi | Property Fan
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    Learning, having fun and doing it!

    Profile photo of aliandmikealiandmike
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 34

    Personally I have only fully read Steve’s book, and glanced at a few other so I think this is a great thread. Well Done SWEET!

    It’s all so useful and motivates me to go to the library. As I read Michael’s post (no offence Michael) I was thinking “Yeah, whatever” but then, what do you know, two other posts come on about his book and how good it is. I might just look into it (the extras when you buy online also look good).

    Can I ask a crazy question though..(to either Michael Yardley or Manofaction)…? Why would I buy it from your site and not the other? There’s nothing wrong with a little friendly competeion now is there! After all, if I can save $5 I can put that towards my next property purchase.

    I will (guaranteed) buy this book from one source dependent on an answer from each of you, and likely will many others.

    Mike (perhaps a bit cheeky tonight)[thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of MichaelYardney
    Originally posted by aliandmike:

    ….. As I read Michael’s post (no offence Michael) I was thinking “Yeah, whatever” but then, what do you know, two other posts come on about his book and how good it is. I might just look into it (the extras when you buy online also look good)……
    Mike (perhaps a bit cheeky tonight)[thumbsupanim]


    You are right -why would you believe what I have to say about my own book – I’m just a proud father [exhappy].

    To get unbiased comments from other property investors have a look at what they have to say on the somersoft forum;-

    As to where you should buy it.

    I don’t mind. Obviously there are on line sources that are convenient or go to your local bookshop.

    Michael Yardney
    Author of Australia’s leading property e-magazine.
    Join over 11,000 readers each month.
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    Profile photo of Sweet

    is it a good idea to subscirbe to Steves method and only read books that follow his ideas? cos most of my family think im stupid in trying to create positive cashflow properties, but im still trying to work my head around doing it to prove them wrong! haha enuf about me, what u fellas think?

    Profile photo of leeleedubleeleedub
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 26

    The book which helped me get started was one called “Real Money, Real Estate” by Brad Sugars.
    I have read about 20 PI books in 6 months and it would have to be the most memorable (probably because it was the first I read). But I never read much before reading that one and it inspired me to no end.
    Oh, and the stuff listed through all these forums should be resource enough. If we dont list it or talk about it here then just ask!
    Feel free to drop me a line anytime for more info on anything. If I dont know I’ll be only too happy to help find out, for learning from each other is why we joined.

    Kind Regards,

    “Practise doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practise make perfect”.


    Profile photo of DerekDerek
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3,544
    Originally posted by Sweet:

    is it a good idea to subscirbe to Steves method and only read books that follow his ideas?

    I believe anyone who understands only one method of property investing is doing themselves a disservice. The key is to understand more than one investment style/strategy/approach and work out which suits you.

    0409 882 958
    Skype – derekjones2113

    Profile photo of AlwayzLearninAlwayzLearnin
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 39

    Hi Sweet,

    I have just finished reading “Trust Magic” by Dale Gatherum-Goss.

    It isn’t about Positive or Negative Gearing as such, but it is a good source of information regarding Trust structures and the benefits/disadvantages of owning property within a trust.

    I am a Quarter of the way through his other book “Tax Battles” and so far it is shaping up to be a good book too.


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