All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth Pricing just Stupid!
hi.. brisbane not much better (consideting the city.. I mean melbourne and sydney at least have a little life)… we bought an ex housing commission house at redcliffe, needed rennovating, (it was all masonite/fibro so we gyprocked the whole thing inside) took down walls, opened up areas.. polished floors, re-did electrical everything you can think of) no water views (about 1km from water), in a housing commission rental area with a few problem people (loud screeching cars, kids that around midnight come into our fully fenced yard, neighbour that screams his head off swearing often to his defacto and parents… well not the best of areas.. and we paid the “bargain” price of $221,500.00….. we know eventually the price will rise in value (now it has been valued at around $280,000.00 but until the “rubbish” people remain here… the good people will stay away… My mum bought a house back in 1997 in wavell heights for $160 (incredible to believe I know) and now you will not get that house for less than 650K.
Townhouses in Chermside are $350K plus (reasonably new). In the valley you can get studio apartments for around 190K which is quite reasonable for a single person with a job in the city.
Originally posted by romyluca:My mum bought a house back in 1997 in wavell heights for $160 (incredible to believe I know) and now you will not get that house for less than 650K.
That’s 160K of course….
By the way, we bought our house in Nov 2004, it is a low set brick/tile, 3 bedroom (Small ones) no built ins, small lounge and dining plus kitchen.. The block is big (709) and it’s a corner block. The area is extremely central and if it was not for the people around here this area would be worth a fortune…
Romina[strum]And as more houses sell in areas like yours (Bris) so will the price’s rise as the people move out…
I am impressed with how the commission houses and apartments have been set up in and around Brisbane…
I look forward to them becoming available to buy…
(Look at Melbourne’s older commission areas.)
“ask and you shall recieve”
Sincerely, Jarrah
(your not hunting if your not hungry)
Climbing & Consulting
Arboricultural Services
0431433288“be ye angels?”,
“nay we are but MEN!”Like some others have stated here, I see no sign of the Perth housing boom slowing for at least another 12 months. Even then I’d be surprised to see anything other than a minor correction before things settle back into “normal” historical growth patterns.
The thing that is hard for eastern staters to understand is that unlike most other states, WA has only a handful of regional cities – Geraldton, Mandurah, Bunbury, Albany, Kalgoorlie and some fast growing sizable regional centres – Broome, Karratha, Busselton, Margaret River, Esperence, Northam. Most of what is left in the state are “blink and you’ll miss it” small, far flung towns. The resources boom is bringing people to the state in droves (I recall seeing projections of 90,000+ expected each year for the next 5 years or so) and most of the big resource and mining companies opt for fly-in-fly-out workforces rather than the expense of setting up mining towns. Generally FIFO is from Perth, Geraldton or Broome. So basically if you come to live and work in WA most people are going to base themselves in Perth or within 2 hours drive. It is simple supply and demand.
Inevitably the market has to slow as work opportunities for migrants dries up as the new resource projects reach their workforce quota and the building industry catches up with the backlog of new houses/units (currently construction time for a new house is around 18 months). But IMHO I don’t see that happening anytime soon and it will be a gradual slowing rather than a “bust”.
hi in the last year i have lived in sydney, melbourne and the gold coast . i grew up in perth an at one stage had three investment flats there.i found having a nationwide view helps a lot
i look at replacement cost .i.e what does a brand new appartment/house cost ? and also a suburb to suburb compare ” this is just like bondi/ st kilda/paddington/mt lawley ” makes a scruffy inner perth flat look good(affordable) every time….what i noticed (in my patch) in sydney during “the correction ” was agents bleating about being unable to unload overpriced dogs as quickly as the good old days . i seriously felt the properties i was looking at did not compare .and actual livable housing was scarce as.
TOP SECRET huge bonus for investing in perth TIME ZONE !!!! i can ring agents banks plumbers mates etc well after work my time and still do business and resolve issues SAME DAY!!![specool]Originally posted by robo:Where is Perth?
on the highway between Hobart and Devonport. There are probably other Perths in other states as well though.
probably talking about the one that generates the wealth in this country, the one that pays our way in the world. We certainly don’t seem to be capable of much else than developing resources.
WA in general is going Gangbusters with many Regional Areas outperforming Perth Suburbs
“Money is a currency, like electricity and it requires momentum to make it Effective”
Count The Currency With This Online Positive Cashflow CalculatorSorry, but some of you Perth folks are starting to sound a bit unrealistic.
Resources booms, stronger demand, etc, while these factors do have an effect, the plain and simple reason prices are rising is that you are now being hit by the same property boom that hit Syd/Mel/Bris/Adel/even Hobart some time ago. No resources booms over here though.
Your property boom seems more spectacular because you came off such a low cost base.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s terrific that prices have risen and the smart investors have created instant equity, but if you think it’s going on forever you are seriously kidding yourselves.
Prices can rise or fall. Be very careful.My sister and her husband, who reside in Sydney, just flew into Perth last night and are scheduled to fly back to Sydney on Tuesday morning. Their intention over the weekend is to purchase another house and evict a scabby residential tenant who is 5 weeks behind in his rent… surprises there !!!
The reason they came across though, is that they have been surfing the net and putting in offers, but two conclusions have already surfaced…..# 1 is the stock being put on the net is the leftovers that the agents can’t shift within a few days, and # 2 is the leftovers are being snapped up so quick, the offers that they are putting in are being ignored constantly.
Looking at the constant trouble they are having with PM’s / residential houses and tenants who promise the world and don’t deliver….I suspect this shall be their last residential purchase, ‘cos we usually have a chat over a BBQ. She’s finally starting to like the sound of tenants who don’t whinge, pay everything, improve the place at their expense and stay for a decent length of time.
The resource boom not only has a flow on effect for housing the workers…..if you move much closer to the source of the action, companies also need to supply a work environment and a place to keep all of their machinery…..we are finding moving closer to the source of the action actually improves returns and lowers the risk at the same time……due mainly to the long term leases currently being signed, which should ultimately carry you through anything that may happen in the next 4 to 8 years…..
Hello All
I’m pretty new to all this investing thing – but I will agree that I do think Perth has gone a little mad with the prices of houses and land.
I have seen some great deals though & there are still homes for sale under $250k. One was even under $200k. They are few & far between – but they do exist.
So happy hunting!
For All Your Bookkeeping NeedsOriginally posted by JVT:Please tell me where I can buy a 4×2 800m from the beach in Perth for $350k? You certainly cannot buy this type of beach front value within 20km of CBD if at all! I havn’t looked at the extreme north coast of Perth but even there I reckon you couldn’t go close to less than $500k. Dianella is now $400k minimum (with average block), Morley is $350-$370k for a knockdown. Balga is all $250k +, and Nollamara is more.
I know it’s further than 20 klms but try around Rockingham/ Safety Bay. Just bought brand new 4×2, AC etc. $369k 500 mts to Palm Beach and there have been some other very good ones on the market.
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