All Topics / Help Needed! / bird-dogging

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  • Profile photo of loulou2

    I’m interested in bird dogging and think I may have found 1 or 2 deals that I can’t pursue. Where would I go to pass these deals on? How do I know what to charge? How and when do you get paid? Any help would be much appreciated

    Profile photo of loulou2

    come on. I need some help. Someone must know a little about dird-dogging.

    Profile photo of westanwestan
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,950

    Hi loulou2

    why don’t you present the deal to a buyers agent and see if they will take the property (for a fee) they already have clients wanting attractive deals.

    You could try Australian House Hunters

    also be careful if you go it alone in some states what you do may be illegal unless you are licensed.

    regards westan

    Over 100 deals done in the USA in 2005
    Buy in the USA email me at

    Profile photo of loulou2
    Profile photo of wealthangelwealthangel
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 12

    Hi Loulou2,
    Im trying to find out the same information as you. Nobody seems to know where to start or how to find more info, although everybody talks about bird dogging as if you should know all about it, but then when you ask how to obtain further information – nobody seems to be able to help????
    Good luck – we are going to need it??

    Wealth Angel

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