All Topics / Help Needed! / Renting equity…

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  • Profile photo of HoBe

    I’m still struggling to enter property investing since I don’t have any equity and not enough cash for both deposit and closing costs. I don’t have any relatives or close friends who’s equity I can use and I can’t find any partner I would feel comfortable to go into business with. However, I do have a some friends who have equity in their home, don’t need it themselves and don’t want to invest. They are also low on cash-flow. I’m looking to buy a house on a big block, move a removal house onto the block and subdivide. This will add enough value to cover the equity I need to get started. I am thinking I could “rent” my friends equity for 6 months and offer cash in return. When the subdivision is finished, I’ll re-mortgage the property to release their equity.
    Has anyone any experience of this?
    How much is reasonable to offer as compensation?
    Are there any flaws in my reasoning?
    Please advice.
    /HoBe [upsidedown]


    Profile photo of redwingredwing
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 2,733

    have you costed the complete deal?

    Why not involve your friends by offering it as a Joint Venture proposal?

    Have you spoken to one of the great Motgage Brokers here about your options?

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    Profile photo of HoBe

    Cheers redwing,
    yeah, I’ve considered partnership with them, but I’m not too comfortable with that solution. We have very different goals and approach to money.


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