All Topics / Help Needed! / Rental developing question for those with rentals
Hi guys.
My new place has an old dairy on it l want to turn into a rental .
lt could make either a 2 flat duplex style rental or we could turn it into just one house , or we could even turn it into a 3 smaller overnight type accomodation set up . We are 10 min’s out of a very high tourist spot but l don’t know whether the 10 min’s out bit would ruin that idea ?
Wondering which would be the most reliable / steadiest .
The 2 flat duplex would bring in more than just the one house but we’d need two steady tenants .
The over night thing , would bring in the most [ if we got customers ] but there is alot of those around already and b&bs , all types .
Just one house cabin type set up we feel would be the steadiest and you only need one good tenant , but wouldn’t bring in as much as either of the other two , providing you got customers that is .
We’re just wondering if there was any rule of thumb on any paticular type of rental that tends to be the most dependable or ?
Cheers .
MkcJust gut feeling (no stats to back it up), I would go for the 2 flat duplex. It wouldnt cost much more to build and I would be thinking steady rental from the people who come into town for jobs serving the tourists. With B&Bs yes there are a lot (converted dairy charm factor is good) but they seem to charge a fortune and can you get steady occupancy. Miss a couple of weeks through the dead season and you still have to pay the bank. My .02 worth.
My husband and I stayed at spot in Canada that might give you another optoin….It was a camground that was set up on the land of an old farm a short drive from the town. There was a house insitu where the owners lived and the only other structure was a bathroom block. It was awsome value for us as travellers and low admin for the owners…
So if you wanted to go the 3 accommodation units, you could have one of these occupied by a manager that would also run the campsite with a discount in rent etc…You would obviously have to check the leaglities with Council regarding the campground…
Just another way to cash in on the tourism….
From a happy traveller,
Achieve the Dream!
Thanks for the imput guys.
Wish it was in Byron , old dairy anything goes like hot cakes there.
The camping thing . Great idea if it was a more camping type of landscape , l’d hate to go through the permits and regulations you’d need in OZ though . l wish all the other overnight places here weren’t so cagey but l can’t get info out of them .
Big believer in gut feelngs though Fern . The only worry we had with a duplex was that it’s normal in a suburb but being so close might turn people of on an acerage situation , it’s a tough call .
Kingdom [ if l had one ] for a crystal bowl .
PS . Wonder if there’s places you can get stats for an area on things like this ?what would the resale value be on a structure that was built on your block, if it didn’t work out as a rental and you had to sell, could you get some money back on it!
always consider contingencies! anything could happen!
We buy properties in Adelaide. No Agent Fees.
That’s abit the catch , l doubt l could get an approval to subdevide the old dairy to sell it unfortunately so whatever l turn it into l’m stuck with . Wish l could with it turned into a livable building probly be worth 300 l guess because that parts got sea views.Cheers
Mkc i would love to give you a hand i have a great relationship with a ton of the B+B’s around Vic and consulted to heaps of property developers and the like, the list goes on and on…
Best mate and his wife are proffesionals in 5 star accomodation management and marketing…
Besides the fact i have lived in about 100 houses all over Aus and OS…
Drop a line if you would like to shoot around some ideas, we could get a thread going on it mate?
“ask and you shall recieve”
Sincerely, Jarrah
(your not hunting if your not hungry)
Climbing & Consulting
Arboricultural Services
“be ye angels?”,
“nay we are but MEN!”Mkc i would love to give you a hand i have a great relationship with a ton of the B+B’s around Vic and consulted to heaps of property developers and the like, the list goes on and on…
Best mate and his wife are proffesionals in 5 star accomodation management and marketing…
Besides the fact i have lived in about 100 houses all over Aus and OS…
Drop a line if you would like to shoot around some ideas, we could get a thread going on it mate?
“ask and you shall recieve”
Sincerely, Jarrah
(your not hunting if your not hungry)
Climbing & Consulting
Arboricultural Services
“be ye angels?”,
“nay we are but MEN!”
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