All Topics / Help Needed! / Body Corporate (are they worth the fees)
Hello all
1st time in, maiden voyage with this forum, excuse me if I ‘tread on someones toes’
Does anybody here have a unit with a body corporate attached? I’ve bought a unit in Townsville and am paying about $800 p.a in fees for 2 copies of minutes a year and a bill for installing a clothes line (which I odviously voted for)
Am I alone with my ‘negativity’?Hi there
I think you will find it is a little more than just that.
What about the insurance and public liability for the building.
If you live in a house you pay buildings insurance.What about the administration of the admin and sinking the managment of the owners the responsibility and the mainaintaince of the common areas. Would you mow your neighbours grass probably not so he has to pay to get it cut. Same with a BC.
Don’t get me wrong i don’t hold an interest in a BC Company just pointing out in Qld the average BC company charges around $120 / unit per year. I wouldnt do it.
Richard Taylor
Residential & Commercial Finance Broker
Ph: 07 3720 1888
richard@yourstatefinance.comRichard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender
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